An Argentine soccer player was found strangled to death by her ex-husband, who later committed suicide, inside her apartment.
Florencia Guinazu, 30, who played for Argentino de Mendoza, was found beaten and strangled inside the room she shared with her ex-partner Ignacio Agustín Notto.
Following the incident, a note was left on the window alerting neighbors of the horrors they would find inside, reading: “Call 911. The children are alone.”
Multiple points of sale, including The balloonThey suggest that Notto wrote the note after killing Guinazu, before taking his own life shortly after.
Meanwhile, his two children, ages five and seven, stayed playing PlayStation in the main living room of the apartment.
Argentine soccer player Florencia Guinazu was found dead inside her apartment on Saturday

An autopsy determined that her ex-husband, Ignacio Agustín Notto, had strangled her
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Reports state that the eldest son knocked on the door to the master bedroom, where the murder occurred, but it was locked from the inside and no one answered.
He later went out into the complex’s courtyard before a neighbor finally read the note and called the police, who arrived on the scene shortly after.
After knocking down the door of the master bedroom, they found Guinazú lying on the floor, among blood stains. Notto was found next to him, hanging from a cable wrapped around his neck.
The autopsy determined, according to the statement released this Monday, that the victim died of asphyxiation due to strangulation.
The incident occurs just five months after Noto was the subject of a complaint by Guinazú, who asked him to leave his home in November 2023.
Despite telling police she was not injured in the ordeal, a restraining order was later issued, which was likely honored until the recent murder.
The Prosecutor’s Office for Homicide and Institutional Violence of Mendoza sent a press release this Monday, in which it says: ‘There has not been, from that date until what happened on Saturday, any complaint for violation of the prohibition of approach issued.’
The Guinazú club took to Instagram to post a message about the murder. They said: ‘Florencia Guinazu was a player in the First Division of Women’s Soccer 11 of Club Atlético Argentino.

In addition to her efforts on the field, Guizanu was also a social media influencer and had nearly 25,000 followers on her Instagram page.

Tributes began to flood the athlete, who had filed a restraining order against her ex-husband just five months earlier.
‘We are very sorry for her murder, which was a femicide. Yesterday her husband Ignacio Notto beat her to death and then committed suicide.
‘Despite being legally united in marriage, they were separated, she had already denounced him repeatedly, and he was arrested and released in November 2023.
‘Many details of the case are not yet known, we are waiting for more information. What we do know is that women’s football is in mourning, one more woman murdered at the hands of her ex-partner. STOP KILLING US.’
In addition to being a soccer player, Guinazú also had experience in rugby and had nearly 25,000 followers on social networks.