Home Life Style Are you destined to be rich? Answer financial expert LISA JOHNSON’s five questions to find out

Are you destined to be rich? Answer financial expert LISA JOHNSON’s five questions to find out

Lisa Johnson (pictured), 46, went from £35,000 in debt to earning £16million in just six years.

While every person is different and the path to success and wealth can take many different forms, there are certain traits that will definitely serve you well if making money is your goal.

Often, the personality types of financially successful people share more habits and principles than would be immediately apparent.

So, if you tick most of the boxes on my wealth prediction questionnaire, it sounds like you have the potential to achieve great things. And if not, don’t take it too seriously.

I’m Lisa Johnson, a global business strategist who runs That Strategy Co., helping ambitious people create passive and semi-passive income streams—that is, regular income from a source other than their employer.

I’m a Sunday Times bestselling author and 47-year-old mother of twins who went from £35,000 in debt to £16m in just six years, and I teach others how to do it too.

So, for fun, take a look at this quiz and answer each question honestly. The answers will give you a good idea of ​​whether getting rich is in your plans.

Lisa Johnson (pictured), 46, went from £35,000 in debt to earning £16million in just six years.

1. Your current employer has enrolled you in a course that will enable you to obtain a qualification that will allow you to take on more responsibilities at work. Do you:

to) You’re hunched over because your afternoons are your own and the idea of ​​studying for another year after having left school years ago doesn’t appeal to you. You’d rather stay at work than be stuck in a classroom again!

b) Attend the sessions and do enough to pass at the end of the course. You’ll probably never use it, but it won’t hurt to have a grade to your name.

do) Give 100 percent in every session, be disciplined with your attendance, and complete your assignments on time, because you know that the long-term goal of moving up at work and moving on to bigger and better things will make the effort worth it.

2. You’ve had an interesting week at work. One project you’re leading is going really well, and another one fails miserably because you didn’t focus on what was at stake at a crucial stage. You have a one-on-one meeting with your boss and he asks you how things are going. Do you:

to) Focus fully on the project that’s going well and hope that if you don’t mention the one you let things slide on, you can probably get away with it for the moment.

b) Accept praise for the project that’s going well and make sure it’s clear to them that it’s all thanks to your management, but casually mention the other project that’s not going so well toward the end of the 121 and try to make it seem like you have a plan to solve the problems.

do) Be completely honest with your boss about both projects. Explain why the successful one is working so well and what you did to get it to that position, but also be completely honest about why the other one is not working so well, explaining what happened, when, and why. Then explain step by step what you have planned to solve the problems and agree on a time to update them.

Lisa Johnson said that we all have the inner potential to achieve great things. Those who crave success must hone their qualities of self-discipline, resilience and a strong work ethic.

Lisa Johnson said that we all have the inner potential to achieve great things. Those who crave success must hone their qualities of self-discipline, resilience and a strong work ethic.

Lisa is pictured with her twins and husband, Sam, left. She said the qualities needed to be successful can be developed and cultivated over time to help anyone improve their chances of success.

Lisa is pictured with her twins and husband, Sam, left. She said the qualities needed to be successful can be developed and cultivated over time to help anyone improve their chances of success.

3. Observe your friends, your colleagues, the people you spend most of the day with. Are they…

to) Always available for a night out and a good laugh, never taking things too seriously and more than happy to hang out in the same places and do the same things you did when you were teenagers?

b) Generally the same team you’ve known for years, with a few new additions. A mix of personality types and jobs, with some you can talk to about important topics from time to time.

do) A variety of personalities who often challenge you intellectually and like to hear about what you’ve been up to. They rarely all agree, but a big part of the reason they’re all friends is because they love to debate and share ideas with each other.

4. You have a small amount saved up and you are offered the opportunity to invest in an acquaintance’s new business. He is very confident that it will be a huge success and it is something you should definitely not pass up. Do you:

to) Scrap ideas right away. You’re not willing to waste your savings on a random business idea you know nothing about when you could leave your money exactly where it is, ready for when the time comes that you really need it.

b) Have a quick chat with the person to see if they know what they are talking about and discuss the possibility of investing a smaller amount right now, meaning you are not using all of your savings.

do) Arrange a meeting with the acquaintance and ask him to bring you financial projections and business plans. After the meeting, if you feel the offer is as good as he thinks, you can invest knowing that you have mitigated any potential risks.

5. You have a weekly session scheduled with a physical therapist on Monday at 6am, but you’ve had a pretty intense weekend and the idea of ​​lifting weights and running for an hour doesn’t sound appealing when you’re hungover.

to) Turn off the alarm as soon as it goes off, roll over and enjoy another 60 minutes of sleep. You deserve a day off and a missed session won’t hurt you in the long run.

b) Text your physical therapist on Sunday night to tell them that you won’t be able to work at 6am tomorrow because you’re not feeling well, but that you’d be happy to stop by after work.

do) Wake up with your alarm, because even though you may feel less than 100%, you know that the session will prepare you well for the day and you will feel proud that you followed through on your plans afterwards.

Lisa, pictured, said that no one is born special and the qualities needed for success must be cultivated over time.

Lisa, pictured, said that no one is born special and the qualities needed for success must be cultivated over time.

What do your answers mean?

Mostly like – You tend to look at the immediate situation rather than focusing on the long-term goal, which means you are unlikely to have the right mindset to look forward to a rich future.

Plus, you avoid taking responsibility or risk, which means you’re much more likely to stick with the status quo in every aspect of your life – not a recipe for accepting the good with the bad, which will certainly be necessary if you want to increase your income. As things stand, being rich is not in your plans.

Mostly Bs – You are a frustrating mix of personality traits, as you know what you need to do to increase your chances of making more money, but there’s a little voice in your head that keeps telling you:

I say go for the safe option or leave it for next time! Don’t be afraid to take some risks and believe in yourself, then who knows what you can accomplish.

Mostly Cs – You have all the traits necessary to create a prosperous lifestyle for yourself. You have self-discipline, you are resilient, you have a strong work ethic, you take ownership of opportunities, and you are self-confident. Keep doing what you are doing!

Of course, there’s more to it than just answering a few fun quiz questions, and while these traits are common among wealthy people, they’re not exclusive to them.

These qualities can be developed and cultivated over time to help anyone improve their chances of success, both financially and in other areas of life.

No one is born special. All of these traits and qualities are great for life in general and will give you a good foundation as you work towards making more money. Remember that much of what we achieve or fail to achieve is due to our confidence, our mindset, and our dedication to whatever we set our minds to.

Whatever you choose to do, commit to it fully and never give up. We all have the potential within us to achieve great things!

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