Home Australia Archaeologists in Israel discover a 3,000-year-old “monumental” structure that corroborates biblical stories

Archaeologists in Israel discover a 3,000-year-old “monumental” structure that corroborates biblical stories

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The City of David, formerly called Bethlehem, is considered one of the oldest cities in history and is said to have been the birthplace of Jesus.

Archaeologists have discovered a “monumental” structure in Jerusalem that is mentioned in two books of the Bible.

They discovered ruins of an ancient moat that was built More than 3,000 years ago in the City of David, It is considered one of the oldest cities in history and is believed to be the birthplace of Jesus.

For 150 years, researchers have worked to prove that the city was divided in two, as described in the Bible, and have now discovered the moat that separated the southern residential region from the upper city in the north.

The moat was about 30 feet deep and nearly 100 feet wide, with perpendicular cliffs on either side making it impassable.

The City of David, formerly called Bethlehem, is considered one of the oldest cities in history and is said to have been the birthplace of Jesus.

The moat was about 30 feet deep and nearly 100 feet wide with perpendicular cliffs on either side, making it impassable.

The moat was about 30 feet deep and nearly 100 feet wide with perpendicular cliffs on either side, making it impassable.

The team said the findings confirmed the moat was created during the Iron Age, the same period when the Book of Kings and the Book of Samuel were written to describe the division of the City of David into Ophel and Millo.

“This is a dramatic discovery that opens a renewed discussion about terms in biblical literature that refer to the topography of Jerusalem, such as the Ophel and the Millo,” said researchers from the Israel Antiquities Association (IAA).

Ophel and Millo are terms used in Scripture to describe different parts of the City of David.

A reference can be found in the First Book of Kings (11:27), where King Solomon is described building the structure, which was named ‘Millo’: ‘…Solomon built the ‘Millo’ and closed the breach in the wall of the city of David his father.’

The ancient city was the birthplace of Jerusalem and was built by King David to unite Israel around a capital.

The site was built on a narrow, steep ridge overlooking hills and valleys that divided the land and made it difficult to move from one area to another.

The structure was first discovered in the 1960s by British archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon, who noticed that the moat was slightly east of the present-day Givati ​​parking lot. Kenyon thought the formation was just a natural valley, however, her discovery turned out to be a continuation of the moat curving westward.

The structure was first discovered in the 1960s by British archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon, who noticed that the moat was slightly east of the present-day Givati ​​parking lot. Kenyon thought the formation was just a natural valley, however, her discovery turned out to be a continuation of the moat curving westward.

“It is not known when the ditch was originally dug, but evidence suggests it was used during the centuries when Jerusalem was the capital of the Kingdom of Judah, nearly 3,000 years ago, beginning with King Josiah,” said Dr Yiftah Shalev, director of the excavation.

‘During those years, the moat separated the southern residential part of the city from the ruling Acropolis in the north; the upper city where the palace and temple were located.’

The IAA confirmed that construction plans like this one often date back to the Middle Bronze Age, around 3,800 years ago.

“We are confident that it (the moat) was used in the time of the First Temple and the Kingdom of Judah (in the 9th century BC), so it created a clear barrier between the residential city in the south and the upper city in the north,” said Dr. Shalev.

The IAA confirmed that building plans like this one typically date back to the Middle Bronze Age, around 3,800 years ago.

The IAA confirmed that building plans like this one typically date back to the Middle Bronze Age, around 3,800 years ago.

The city was built on a narrow, steep ridge overlooking hills and valleys that divided the land and made it difficult to move from one area to another.

The city was built on a narrow, steep ridge overlooking hills and valleys that divided the land and made it difficult to move from one area to another.

According to researchers, the moat was designed to change the topography of the City of David to show the powers of the ruler of Jerusalem over others who entered through its gates and to emphasize its strength and ability to defend its walls at the time.

The structure was first discovered in the 1960s by British archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon, who noticed that the pit was slightly east of the present-day Givati ​​parking lot.

Kenyon thought the formation was simply a natural valley, however his discovery turned out to be a continuation of the moat as it curved westward.

“Once again, discoveries have been made that shed new and vivid light on biblical literature,” said IAA Director Eli Escusido.

‘When you stand at the foot of this gigantic excavation, surrounded by enormous carved walls, it is impossible not to be filled with wonder and appreciation for those ancient people who, some 3,800 years ago, literally moved mountains and hills.’

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