Home US AOC unleashes heated debate on MTG over her intelligence and false eyelashes as all hell breaks loose at committee hearing to charge Attorney General Merrick Garland with criminal contempt: ‘Oh girl, baby, girl… don’t even play! ‘

AOC unleashes heated debate on MTG over her intelligence and false eyelashes as all hell breaks loose at committee hearing to charge Attorney General Merrick Garland with criminal contempt: ‘Oh girl, baby, girl… don’t even play! ‘

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Marjorie Taylor Greene started the fight at the committee hearing Thursday night by making a personal comment about Rep. Crockett's 'false eyelashes.'

A committee hearing descended into chaos when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called Marjorie Taylor Greene a “girl” and the pair traded personal insults in a heated debate.

The fight broke out Thursday night when the House Oversight Committee voted to find Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena.

Greene began the fight by making a sarcastic personal comment about Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas, criticizing her “false eyelashes.” AOC then intervened and the two exchanged taunts before AOC told Greene, “Oh, girl, girl… don’t even play.”

President James Comer desperately tried to maintain order, at one point saying, “I have two hearing aids, I’m very deaf,” in an appeal for everyone to stop shouting.

Over the years, AOC and Greene have clashed many times; Greene previously accused AOC of acting like a “teenage girl,” calling her a “chicken” and labeling her a “little communist.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene started the fight at the committee hearing Thursday night by making a personal comment about Rep. Crockett’s ‘false eyelashes.’

AOC then intervened and asked that Greene apologize and for her comments to be taken back. The argument quickly escalated and the pair exchanged personal taunts.

AOC then intervened and asked that Greene apologize and for her comments to be taken back. The argument quickly escalated and the pair exchanged personal taunts.

Thursday’s fight broke out during a committee hearing over whether Garland should be charged with contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over an audio recording of President Biden’s interview with special counsel Ben Hur.

But the hearing quickly got out of control, with representatives shooting at each other and yelling at each other.

The antics were caught on camera with video showing Greene taking aim at Rep. Crockett for the first time.

Greene asked if ‘any of the Democrats on this committee are employing Judge Merchan’s daughter.’

He was referring to Rep. Dan Goldman, who has retained the services of a political consulting firm that employs the daughter of Judge Juan Merchan, who is presiding over Trump’s criminal trial in New York.

Crockett responded to Greene: “Please tell me what that has to do with Merrick Garland.”

Greene then said, “I don’t think you know what you’re here for…I think your false eyelashes are ruining what you’re reading.”

She was then interrupted by President James Comer asking for order.

AOC then intervened, calling Greene’s words “absolutely unacceptable” and asking her, “How dare you attack another person’s physical appearance?”

Crockett later yelled at Greene, who repeatedly told him that

Crockett later yelled at Greene, who repeatedly told him to “calm down.”

He called for Greene’s words to be “redacted,” a procedure that allows a speaker to withdraw or modify his comments if they are deemed out of line.

Green retaliated and asked AOC, “Are your feelings hurt?”

AOC responded, repeatedly saying, “Put his words down.”

Greene then said, ‘aww’ to which AOC responded: ‘Oh! Girl, girl, girl, don’t even play!’

Greene then said: ‘Baby girl? I don’t think so,’ and AOC responded: ‘We will move and take note of your words.’

Chairman Comer suspended the hearing while they decided whether to overrule Greene’s words.

As they argued, AOC was heard saying, “There’s no way that’s going to be allowed” and “not today.”

And he added: ‘We are not going to offer a smarmy apology. She really needs to apologize. And that must be up to Mrs. Crockett, too. It has to be sincere.”

Greene later said she would cross out her words, but refused to apologize and called AOC “not smart.”

As the screams continued, Comer was forced to gesture towards his ears and say:

As the screams continued, Comer was forced to gesture toward his ears and say, “I don’t know if you noticed, but I have two hearing aids.” I’m very deaf.’

During the intense exchange, other representatives shouted and booed as Comer called for order.

Crockett later attempted to clarify whether the committee allowed Greene’s personal attack on her.

He asked Comer: ‘I’m just curious. Just to better understand his decision. If anyone on this committee starts talking about someone’s blonde, ill-formed male body, that wouldn’t be engaging in personalities, right?

Greene responded by telling Crockett to “calm down” repeatedly, prompting Crockett to start yelling and saying “don’t tell me to calm down, you’re making all this noise, but you can’t take it.”

As the screams continued, Comer was forced to gesture toward his ears and say, “I don’t know if you noticed, but I have two hearing aids.” I’m very deaf, I don’t understand, everyone screams. I’m doing the best I can.”

Crockett then posted on X: ‘So MTG wanted to talk about my appearance on the COMMITTEE?!

‘This is what happens when mentally deficient people who can’t read or follow rules or just don’t give a damn…somehow end up in CONGRESS!’

The committee ultimately voted to hold Merrick Garland in criminal contempt, meaning the motion now moves to the full House for a vote.

The vote came after President Biden asserted executive privilege over audio tapes of his interview with former special counsel Robert Hur in a move to protect Garland from criminal charges.

During the intense exchange, other representatives shouted and booed as Comer called for order.

During the intense exchange, other representatives shouted and booed as Comer called for order.

Republicans have seized on a line from Hur’s report on the president’s mishandling of classified documents that claimed Biden appeared to be an “old man with a bad memory” and wanted audio evidence.

Garland lashed out at the move, saying Thursday that the Justice Department has gone to “extraordinary steps” to provide information to the committee.

“We have done everything we can to ensure that committees get answers to their legitimate requests, but this is not one,” Garland told reporters before a hearing to present his contempt charge.

Oversight Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., responded: “The White House is claiming privilege over the recordings, but has already waived the privilege by releasing the transcript of the interview.”

AOC and Greene have a long history of animosity.

AOC and Greene have a long history of animosity. In 2021, Greene took aim at AOC, calling her

AOC and Greene have a long history of animosity. In 2021, Greene took aim at AOC, calling her a “little communist” and “un-American” and then labeling her an “America-hating terrorism sympathizer.”

In 2021, Greene took aim at AOC, calling her a “little communist” and “un-American” and then labeling her an “America-hating terrorism sympathizer.”

AOC immediately responded on Twitter saying, “First of all, I’m taller than her.”

Greene repeatedly demanded AOC debate her, telling reporters, “She’s a chicken.” She doesn’t want to debate. I don’t think the debate has been agreed upon yet.’

The pair clashed again last year, when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene accused Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of acting like a “teenager” after the New York Democrat accused the Georgia Republican of “peddling in conspiracy theories.” anti-Semites.”

‘I have repeatedly asked you to debate with me, but you have been a coward and cannot even respond. But you go on CNN and lie about me,” Greene tweeted.

‘When are you going to be an adult and actually debate politics with me instead of talking like a teenager?’

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