Home Australia Andrew paid his last respects to his mother at her funeral. He had no idea that more heartbreak awaited him when he returned to his house.

Andrew paid his last respects to his mother at her funeral. He had no idea that more heartbreak awaited him when he returned to his house.

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Nola Mavis Bulkeley, mother of three and grandmother of 10, died after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

A heartbroken son lashed out at burglars who ransacked his mother’s home as he said his final goodbyes at her funeral.

Andrew Bulkeley was left mortified after discovering the house in Kellyville, in Sydney’s northwest, had been broken into on Friday.

Moments earlier, Bulkeley had been paying his respects to his mother Nola Mavis Bulkeley, 81, after she died of pancreatic cancer on May 27.

The mother of three and grandmother of 10 said goodbye at a service at Wesley Uniting Church in Castle Hill and later at a wake at West Pennant Hills Sports Club.

Mr Bulkeley said 2 GB host Mark Levy on Monday, the robbery was extremely confronting and devastating for the family.

Nola Mavis Bulkeley, mother of three and grandmother of 10, died after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

Andrew Bulkeley was left mortified after discovering the house in Kellyville, in Sydney's northwest, had been broken into on Friday.

Andrew Bulkeley was left mortified after discovering the house in Kellyville, in Sydney’s northwest, had been broken into on Friday.

“Some of the children and grandchildren returned to the house and when they arrived they discovered that someone had entered the house and taken a number of things,” he said.

‘Not only was it very, very sad, but it was also confronting. Was anyone else still in the house? We just didn’t know.

“(We were) a little shocked and that brought the wake to a pretty quick end.”

Bulkeley explained that some items taken from the home, including cash and iPads, were easily replaceable, but her mother’s prized jewelry was not, as it had sentimental value.

“Mom didn’t have a lot of expensive jewelry, but she had a small variety of items that over the years she talked about with her grandchildren,” Bulkeley said.

‘She would talk about when she left the earth… she would be delighted that they had her. Electronics and a little cash, it doesn’t matter that much.

Bulkeley desperately pleaded with the thieves to return her mother’s jewelry to the family.

“I would say the jewelry had limited financial value, but it is sentimental value to the grandchildren,” Bulkeley said.

‘Please, you know, just put the jewelry back, you know, just leave it at the front door or something.’ It has truly broken the family’s heart.

‘I thank God that she was not there to experience this injustice. She would have been very angry.

Mrs Bulkeley was described as a “beautiful woman” and a “special grandmother” who had lived in her home for 42 years and never once experienced a burglary.

Daughter-in-law Celine also spoke to Levy and said losing Bulkeley was “absolutely devastating.”

Celine had traveled from Tasmania with her three children to be with her family during this difficult time and was staying at her mother-in-law’s home.

He explained that the robbery “violated” Mrs Bulkeley’s privacy and also traumatized her children.

“We were absolutely devastated to lose Nola. “She was a very special lady to us,” Celine said.

“His privacy was violated and his special items were taken away and we are all traumatized. My children are traumatized.

‘These people have done a lot of damage. tSome jewelry that is precious to us, but has no monetary value, may be taken from us.

Her son spoke to 2GB presenter Mark Levy and made a desperate plea to the thieves to return his mother's prized jewelery as it had sentimental value to her grandchildren.

Her son spoke to 2GB presenter Mark Levy and made a desperate plea to the thieves to return his mother’s prized jewelery as it had sentimental value to her grandchildren.

Celine’s husband had traveled to Sydney to care for his mother during the final weeks of her life.

He explained that the thieves destroyed what was once a “safe haven,” and his family left the house the next morning because his children were anxious and distraught.

Celine urged the thieves to “search their hearts” to return the jewels to the family.

‘T“To the people who have taken it, if you could find it somewhere deep in your heart and just return the items, keep the money, keep the computers, but please try to return the jewelry,” Celine said.

Bulkeley said the family had spoken to police and forensic detectives visited the home and collected some fingerprints.

New South Wales Police told Daily Mail Australia that an investigation is underway and inquiries continue.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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