Home Australia An MIT-trained neurosurgeon reveals the shocking reason he left his lucrative medical career after 20 years

An MIT-trained neurosurgeon reveals the shocking reason he left his lucrative medical career after 20 years

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MIT-trained neurosurgeon Dr. Goobie has candidly revealed the shocking reason he quit his job and left the medical field after 20 years.

An MIT-trained neurosurgeon has candidly revealed the shocking reason he quit his job and left the medical field after 20 years.

Doctor Goobie He went through years of rigorous training, completed medical school and finished a six-year neurosurgery residency before reaching the top of his career, which saw him perform multiple successful surgeries each day.

But after spending 10 years practicing and working to alleviate patients’ suffering, the neurosurgeon said he had gained 40 pounds from stress and lack of sleep.

And while feelings of exhaustion plagued the MIT alumnus, the 38-year-old also couldn’t shake a nagging thought about greed.

In a 50-minute clip shared on his YouTube account, Dr. Goobie confessed that he had realized that the medical system in the U.S. was not designed to “help cure,” but was instead created so that “hospitals could make money.”

MIT-trained neurosurgeon Dr. Goobie has candidly revealed the shocking reason he quit his job and left the medical field after 20 years.

In the intimate video, the health expert spoke directly to viewers while in the mountains as he shared the real reasons behind his decision to leave the medical field.

He explained: ‘I used to be a neurosurgeon. I went to college at MIT and did four years of medical school and six years of neurosurgical training. I was a neurosurgeon for almost 10 years after all that, so that’s 20 years of my life.

“I left the sport last year and nobody understood why. People ask me, but a decision like that involves 20 years of your life, you can’t answer that in a couple of minutes…”

‘I’m making this video to help sort out my own… Thinking about the whole issue because there are many factors, but also helping someone who is in a difficult situation.

“If you are in a difficult situation like the one I went through, maybe hearing my story will help you get out of that situation.”

Despite being well paid and having a highly respected role, he admitted: “Something wasn’t right, I was very unhappy. I was the unhappiest I’ve ever been and I couldn’t understand it for a long time.”

He explained that while he was a surgeon, he performed several surgeries using advanced technologies but was never able to address the root cause of the disease.

“I was trying to help people, but these surgeries weren’t fixing the problem. They were making some people feel better, some people feel the same, some people feel worse,” Dr. Goobie said.

In a 50-minute clip shared on his YouTube account, Dr. Goobie confessed that he had realized that the medical system in the US was not designed for

In a 50-minute clip shared on his YouTube account, Dr. Goobie confessed that he had realized that the medical system in the U.S. was not designed to “help cure,” but was instead created so that “hospitals could make money.”

“I thought if I did a perfect surgery people would get better, but that wasn’t always the case… It really bothered me,” he confessed.

And soon he began asking his patients more questions about their lives, which turned out to be the key to their understanding.

He said people who ate a low-sodium, mostly plant-based diet, exercised daily, had a good social support group, didn’t smoke, didn’t drink frequently, slept well and found ways to manage their stress often healed from pain more quickly, sometimes even before undergoing surgery.

But the medical expert said that even though this was his breakthrough moment, it actually caused him a bigger problem because of systemic greed.

Dr. Goobie said: “EThe problem is that our medical system is not structured this way… The way things are structured is that the hospital needs to make money. It needs to grow financially.

‘The problem is that if a way is found to help patients heal in a way that doesn’t involve a pill or surgery, then the hospital and the doctor are in serious trouble.

“If you find a way to help patients heal and you can’t charge them for it, then you’re out of a job.”

He continued: “I really felt that the focus of medicine was not in the right place: it was not on healing, but on making money from surgeries, pills, images and anything that you can make money from…”

‘The incentives were not right. Once I realized What was happening was a big problem for me. ethically.

“I was doing a job I no longer believed in.”

But Dr. Goobie admitted he had to continue performing surgeries to ensure he and his wife still had a paycheck.

‘That devastated me. I gained 40 pounds. I was very sad. I was very angry, frustrated, I had no hope. I thought I was stuck…

“I knew I was dying inside and my body was dying,” she shared.

However, after discussing his problems with his wife, she supported him to completely abandon the medical field and continue without a clear plan.

Dr Goobie admitted that he felt “embarrassed” and “uncomfortable” at first, but admitted that in the end it was “liberating” to be able to decide what he wanted to do with his life.

At the end of the clip, she added: ‘When you let go of something that you’re holding on to too tightly, even though it hurts, and you let it go, then you’re able to pick up something else that’s hopefully better for you…

‘Trust your heart, lean on the people who love you, and do what you have to do, whatever it is.’

(tags to translate)dailymail

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