Home Life Style An expert issues an urgent warning to parents to STOP using common household items over the risk of electric shock and fire hazards.

An expert issues an urgent warning to parents to STOP using common household items over the risk of electric shock and fire hazards.

Electrical experts have issued an urgent warning to parents to stop using socket protectors immediately

Safety experts have issued an urgent warning to parents, telling them to stop using socket protectors immediately.

In a video published on WhichUK instagramThe British consumer advocacy group explained that although they seem useful, they can actually increase the risk of electric shock and fire.

Thousands of mothers and fathers use outlet protectors in the hopes of keeping children out of harm’s way.

But according to the organization, they could actually do the opposite by altering existing security measures.

Speaking in the video, the expert said parents should: “Throw them all away as soon as you can, they’re dangerous!”

Similar sentiments have been expressed by numerous UK official bodies, including the NHS and Department of Health and Social Care, Barnardo’s and the British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers Association.

“Many parents buy these outlet protectors thinking they will protect their children from electric shock,” which one? continued.

“But experts say they will actually increase the risk for your child.”

Electrical experts have issued an urgent warning to parents to stop using socket protectors immediately

In a video posted on the Instagram account of British brand WhichUK, an expert insisted that socket protectors, while offering greater safety, actually increase the risk of electric shock and fire.

In a video posted on the Instagram account of British brand WhichUK, an expert insisted that socket protectors, while offering greater safety, actually increase the risk of electric shock and fire.

This is because UK sockets already offer a sufficient level of protection, including plastic shutters specifically designed to act as a barrier against damage.

“Something the British can be proud of is the Great British 13 amp connector,” the clip continues.

‘It’s a triumph of safety by design for many reasons, but the most important ones for your child are these plastic shutters.

‘When a socket is empty, these doors close, providing a barrier between the 230 volts of electricity and babies’ fingers.

“The only thing that opens them is the ground pin.”

However, since outlet protectors are designed to be exactly the same shape and size as outlets, they also have the potential to open shutters, which could pose a serious safety risk.

Although they are marketed to reduce potential harm, numerous UK official bodies, including the NHS and Department of Health and Social Care, Barnardo's and the British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers Association, advise parents to avoid them.

Although they are marketed to reduce potential harm, numerous UK official bodies, including the NHS and Department of Health and Social Care, Barnardo’s and the British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers Association, advise parents to avoid them.

This is because UK sockets already offer a sufficient level of protection, including plastic shutters specifically designed to act as a barrier against damage.

This is because UK sockets already offer a sufficient level of protection, including plastic shutters specifically designed to act as a barrier against damage.

“Leaving these plastic shields in place provides the perfect tool for young experimenters to put themselves in harm’s way,” the narrator emphasized.

To illustrate how children can put themselves in danger, he demonstrated how a seemingly harmless socket protector can be used to open shutters, which have been designed to stay closed.

“Inserted upside down, opens the shutters/Split in half, opens the shutters,” he explained.

“Even placing them correctly can undo all the safety features inherent in the plug itself.”

And it’s not just children who are at risk. According to experts, the use of plug protectors can damage the safety devices themselves

“In addition, electricians warn that they can damage internal connections and increase the risk of arc flashes that cause plugs to melt or scorch,” he added.

As the spokesperson explained, numerous security agencies throughout the United Kingdom strongly advise against the use of so-called security devices, arguing that they are already efficient.

He said: “That’s why the NHS and Department of Health and Social Care, Barnardo’s and the British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers Association are advising people not to use them.”

Offering alternative safety advice, the WhichUK expert urged parents to focus on storing electrical cords and keeping them out of sight of potential electrical experimenters.

“Instead, keep electrical cords clean and out of the reach of young hands,” he concluded.

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