Home Australia An Australian dad goes on a rampage at school after his daughter was forced to make a group apology to the Stolen Generation.

An Australian dad goes on a rampage at school after his daughter was forced to make a group apology to the Stolen Generation.

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Primod's video started a passionate debate with many Australians divided on the issue (pictured: indigenous flag).

An Australian father has unleashed his daughter’s school after claiming she was “forced to make a group apology” to the Stolen Generations as part of activities leading up to National Sorry Day.

Chris Primod criticized the school on Saturday, claiming his seven-year-old daughter told him she and her classmates should apologize as a group.

National Sorry Day is celebrated in Australia on May 26.

It is a day to remember and acknowledge the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, particularly the impact of government policies that forcibly separated Indigenous children from their families, known as the Stolen Generations.

“I have no problem with any of my children finding out (about the Stolen Generations), that’s completely fine,” he said in a video posted on social media.

“What I will not tolerate and will not accept is my children being forced to apologize for something they had absolutely nothing to do with.”

He sent a direct message to the school, urging them to stop imposing “wake-up games” on their children.

“Our children are already being welcomed into the country in which they were born and are now being told that they are personally responsible for these horrific events.”

Primod’s video started a passionate debate with many Australians divided on the issue (pictured: indigenous flag).

Many Australians supported the father’s message, claiming that teachers were pushing an agenda.

‘This is horrible. What the hell is wrong with the educational system? “Australia has lost its mind,” one wrote.

‘I told my children that they didn’t have to participate in Forgiveness Day at school if they didn’t want to. “I explained why and they decided not to participate,” added a second.

“It’s outrageous that those poor kids probably don’t even understand why they’re apologizing, being still so young.” “Australia has gone crazy,” said a third.

A fourth added: ‘My daughter had to write any apology letter at the age of six! She asked me after school what she had done wrong. It is a shame for teachers who push their own agenda.”

However, others argued that it is important to recognize and respect First Nations people.

“The welcome and recognition to the county is something you and your children should be proud of,” one said.

What Australian children are taught

The NSW Department of Education provided resources to teachers on National Forgiveness Day, which falls on May 26, and National Reconciliation Week, which began today.

He said National Sorry Day “is a time to remember past policies of forcibly removing children and reflect on the sad and painful stories of the Stolen Generations.”

‘It is a time to recognize the resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the power to ask for forgiveness.

“National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia,” the department said.

Schools across New South Wales will take part in events and activities throughout the week, including reconciliation walks, smoking ceremonies, assemblies and morning teas with local Aboriginal elders.

“National Reconciliation Week is a time to learn, reflect and act to create a fairer and more inclusive Australia,” said NSW Department of Education Secretary Murat Dizdar.

“Together, we recognize the unique histories, cultures and contributions of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.”


Thousands of children were forcibly removed by governments, churches and social welfare agencies to be raised in institutions, fostered or adopted by non-Indigenous families, nationally and internationally. They are known as the Stolen Generations.

The exact number of children who were removed may never be known, but there are very few families who have not been affected; in some families children from three or more generations were taken. The removal of children broke important cultural, spiritual and family ties and has left a lasting, intergenerational impact on the lives and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Affecting between 1 in 10 and 1 in 3 children, there is not a single Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community that has not been changed forever.

The first Sorry Day was celebrated on May 26, 1998, remembering and commemorating the mistreatment of the country’s Aboriginal people.

Pictured: 1934 newspaper clipping announcing the adoption of indigenous children.

Pictured: 1934 newspaper clipping announcing the adoption of indigenous children.

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