Home Australia An Amazon customer is trapped in her home for THREE HOURS after the delivery man left her package in a very inappropriate place

An Amazon customer is trapped in her home for THREE HOURS after the delivery man left her package in a very inappropriate place

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Holly Ciampaglio from Philadelphia took to TikTok to share the joyful story with her 60,800 followers.

An Amazon customer has revealed how she was trapped inside her house for three hours after a delivery driver left her package in a very inappropriate place.

Holly Ciampaglio of Philadelphia took to TikTok to share the joyous story with her 60,800 followers.

She explained that she had been unable to open the front door due to the poor position of the package, adding that she had been desperately trying to “wave a neighbour over”.

And viewers were left baffled by the unfortunate mishap.

Holly Ciampaglio of Philadelphia took to TikTok to share the joyous story with her 60,800 followers.

She explained that she had not been able to open the front door due to the poor position of the package and added that she had been desperately trying to

She explained that she had not been able to open the front door due to the poor position of the package and added that she had been desperately trying to

She explained that she had been unable to open the front door due to the poor position of the package, adding that she had been desperately trying to “wave a neighbour over”.

In the clip, which has so far been viewed more than 592,000 times, Holly spoke directly to the camera as she explained the situation.

Holding back nervous laughter, he began, “I received a package from Amazon. It’s supposed to be a cardboard cutout of a Star Wars character, that’s not important.”

He then panned the camera to show the large package on the door step that had become wedged between the outward-swinging front door and the metal railing beyond, preventing him from leaving the house.

‘Because? We can’t open our door. Oh God, we’re stuck. Oh no,” the content creator said.

He captioned the video: “Amazon, we’re still stuck. It’s been three hours…trying to flag down a neighbor to stop.”

And Holly’s video was soon inundated with comments from other social media users, with one writing: “Legend has it they’re still stuck…”

Another commented: ‘The thought of not being able to open the door makes me sick!’

And a third added: ‘This happened to me a couple of years ago! Call your local police station, not 911, and explain what happened. They will send someone to help! They will laugh at you, but they will help you.’

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Holly's video was soon flooded with comments from other social media users, with one writing:

Holly’s video was soon inundated with comments from other social media users, with one writing: “Legend has it they are still stuck…”

Following the widespread furor, Holly uploaded a follow-up clip in which she provided more context.

“It’s been a couple of days. We’re not standing still,” he began, before showing viewers that he could now open the door in question.

Holly then launched into answering questions posed by other social media users.

‘As for the back door, first of all, we live in a house, not an apartment.

‘We have a back door and a backyard. We just live in a very narrow house because we live in a city.’

She showed viewers her yard before pointing out that it’s surrounded by neighbors on all sides, so she couldn’t easily escape that way.

Holly then pointed to a fence to her right and added: ‘That leads to a car park right next to our house.

‘Now you see, if we climbed this fence and jumped down, we would probably get hurt, so we weren’t willing to do that…

‘We weren’t willing to get hurt just to receive a package on the street because we knew our friend had dropped someone off at the train station in our city.

“We asked them to come check our Wi-Fi anyway, so we knew they would come.”

Following the widespread furore, Holly uploaded a follow-up clip in which she provided more context.

Following the widespread furor, Holly uploaded a follow-up clip in which she provided more context.

'It's been a couple of days. We're not stuck.

'It's been a couple of days. We're not stuck.

“It’s been a couple of days. We’re not standing still,” he began, before showing viewers that he could now open the door in question.

He also showed viewers his yard before pointing out that he is surrounded by neighbors on all sides, so he couldn't escape that way easily.

He also showed viewers his yard before pointing out that he is surrounded by neighbors on all sides, so he couldn’t escape that way easily.

She continued: ‘We just waited probably three or four hours before he came and relieved us.

‘As for everyone telling us to “take the glass out of our door”, it’s Sunday, too much work, especially if we knew a friend was coming.

“Everyone says, ‘Break a window.’ Would you break a window in your own house to get to a package? No.

Also, we live in a major city, so I don’t know how long it would take the local police. It probably would have taken the local police just as long as our friend to free us.

Holly concluded: “Thank you to everyone who was really worried about us. I love you all. You are wonderful people.”

‘Everyone who made fun of us for, I don’t know, being a bit lazy, whatever.

“But I’m glad it’s a universal experience because it was crazy.”

DailyMail.com has contacted Amazon for comment.

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