Home Tech Amazon delivered its fastest order on RECORD last year – with one happy British customer receiving their item just 75 minutes after ordering it

Amazon delivered its fastest order on RECORD last year – with one happy British customer receiving their item just 75 minutes after ordering it

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We've all been there: you eagerly order an item online and have to wait weeks to receive it. But one British Amazon Prime customer barely had time to make himself a cup of tea before his order arrived last year.
  • An anonymous Amazon Prime customer received their item 75 minutes after ordering it
  • 70% of all Prime orders placed during the holiday season arrived the same or next day.

We’ve all been there: you eagerly order an item online and have to wait weeks to receive it.

But one British Amazon Prime customer barely had time to make himself a cup of tea before his order arrived last year.

The anonymous customer received their item just 75 minutes after placing the order, setting a new record for Amazon.

What’s more, 70 percent of all Prime member orders placed in the UK during the festive season arrived the same or next day.

“Our work on delivery speeds is a multi-year global effort, and we know we have a long way to go to continue delivering faster and faster to customers,” said Doug Herrington, CEO of Worldwide Amazon Stores.

We’ve all been there: you eagerly order an item online and have to wait weeks to receive it. But one British Amazon Prime customer barely had time to make himself a cup of tea before his order arrived last year.

In 2023, Amazon delivered items to Prime members at the fastest speed ever seen globally.

More than seven billion units arrived that same day or the next day, including more than two billion in Europe.

Here in the UK, the fastest order was delivered in 75 minutes, although it’s still unclear where this happened or what the item was.

“Many years ago, I remember Jeff Bezos talking about the difference between a leader and a manager,” Herrington said.

‘Simply put, he said, a leader will continue to push to improve something, rather than maintain the status quo.

‘A leader will try new and innovative ideas, even if they are challenging, time-consuming, or seem confusing at first.

The tech giant said the service would start from one of its same-day delivery sites in the UK, but is keeping the location a secret for now.

The tech giant said the service would start from one of its same-day delivery sites in the UK, but is keeping the location a secret for now.

“This is largely what I think about what Amazon is doing now with speed.”

The news comes shortly after Amazon announced that it will begin delivering parcels by drone in just under an hour across the UK this year.

The tech giant said the service would start from one of its same-day delivery sites in the UK, but is keeping the location a secret for now.

It will be revealed at the end of 2024.

The launch is part of an expansion of drone deliveries, which will also include its introduction in Italy and its expansion to a third state in the US, with drone deliveries already operating in California and Texas.

Amazon previously conducted a brief trial of an earlier version of the Prime Air drone delivery system in Cambridgeshire in 2016.

“As part of our continued efforts to innovate for customers, we are pleased to announce the expansion of Prime Air delivery internationally, for the first time outside the US,” the company said in a statement.

‘We have been delivering packages with drones in California and Texas for almost a year.

‘We have created a safe and reliable delivery service and have partnered very closely with regulators and communities.

“We will continue that collaboration in the future to ensure we meet the needs of our customers and the communities we serve.”

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