Home US AMANDA PLATELL: William must never forgive his shameless, fly-in, fly-out brother Harry

AMANDA PLATELL: William must never forgive his shameless, fly-in, fly-out brother Harry

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A source close to William said there would be no meeting with Harry when he arrived, period.

Opinion was divided over Prince Harry coming from Los Angeles to be at his father’s side after news of the King’s cancer broke.

Some saw him as a loving son desperate to be with his grieving father. Others saw it differently. Royal biographer Ingrid Seward said she used the visit as a “public relations opportunity.”

Whatever the case, there is no escaping the fact that he was in the UK for just 26 hours and saw his father for just 30 minutes before heading straight back to Los Angeles on a scheduled flight.

Since hopping on a plane to Las Vegas to present an award at an NFL ceremony, he clearly never intended to hang around.

And yet, during his visit, people close to Harry let it be known that the busy prince would have “gladly agreed to a meeting” with his estranged brother William.

A source close to William said there would be no meeting with Harry when he arrived, period.

What incredible nerve! Is he really so self-centered, so blind to reality, that he believes he can return to the country and magnanimously declare that he is ready to meet William? After everything he’s done, vilifying the Royal Family for his Netflix millions?

How could William forgive Harry after his horrendously cruel portrayal of Kate in his memoir Spare or after the description of her as a cold Stepford wife by the Sussexes’ unofficial biographer, Omid Scobie?

As a loving husband, William would rather die in a ditch than meet any man, brother or not, who had thus slandered his wife.

And why would the Prince of Wales, caring for Kate after her abdominal surgery and juggling paternal and extra-royal duties, break bread with the brother whose petulant departure from our shores led to such an increase in his workload? ?

Then there is the enormous emotional toll of King Charles’ serious illness, much of which falls on William’s shoulders in his brother’s absence.

A 30-minute meeting before flying again shows that Harry couldn’t care less about that.

William was unequivocal when Harry arrived here this week. A source close to him said there would be no meeting, period. I am not surprised nor do I doubt that there ever will be.

I don’t think William should ever forgive his shameless brother Harry, who flies in and flies out. Hell should freeze over before him.

The British’s low blow for J-Lo

Britney Spears posts a photo of her and Ben Affleck from 1999 tweeting, “Didn’t I mention I made out with Ben that night? I honestly forgot, damn that’s crazy.”

I’m not sure what’s more disturbing to his wife J-Lo, the salacious details derailing the controlling publicity of the upcoming album about Ben, or that Britney’s date with him was absolutely unforgettable.

Jennifer Lopez faced lewd details about her husband Ben Affleck and Britney Spears

Jennifer Lopez faced lewd details about her husband Ben Affleck and Britney Spears

Barry Keoghan now says that the moment in the unnecessarily unpleasant film Saltburn, where he pretends to have sex on the fresh grave of the best friend he has just murdered, made him feel “nauseous”. Could this be the same Keoghan who told Variety last year that the scene was entirely his idea, because as an actor he wanted to “see how far I could take it.” . . He wanted to let my body lead the way.”

Saltburn actor Barry Keoghan said the infamous grave scene made him feel

Saltburn actor Barry Keoghan said infamous grave scene made him feel ‘nauseous’

The tooth about dentists.

The £200m plan to end the shortage of NHS dentists misses the root of the problem. Cavities begin in childhood and 600 children go to hospital each week to have them removed, while one in ten has not been taught how to use a toothbrush.

The fault lies not with a rotten public health system, but with parents who feed their children junk food and soda drinks.

One in ten children has not been taught how to use a toothbrush

One in ten children has not been taught how to use a toothbrush

Wildlife charities disconcertingly claim that our countryside is racist, colonial and unwelcoming to non-whites. I’m not sure how we rectify that. Are we supposed to create a Nigerian rainforest in the North York Moors or an Afghan desert in Dorset?

After the Parkrun trans row, where men who identified as women were breaking records everywhere, organizers decided the solution is not to ban biological men from competing against women, but to scrap the records. It’s all part of their “inclusion” agenda where, unfortunately, no one wins.

Just two days after Keir Starmer boasted about Labour’s £28bn green commitment, he is quitting, losing the battle with shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves. She should be careful with that bogeyman. Wasn’t it Boris’ chancellor, Rishi Sunak, who finally betrayed him and forced Bojo to resign?

Keir Starmer has abandoned Labour's £28bn green pledge

Keir Starmer has abandoned Labour’s £28bn green pledge

Having fulfilled the 2019 Conservative manifesto promise to build 300,000 homes a year just once, Housing Secretary Michael Gove is blaming the property shortage on high inflation and high demand due to migration. A bit rich given that both occurred under the leadership of the Conservatives.

Ed’s botox beauties

Outgoing British Vogue editor Edward Enninful rounded up 40 of his favorite cover girls for his final issue, including Kate Moss, Oprah Winfrey, Linda Evangelista, Jane Fonda and Victoria Beckham, all looking fabulously ageless.

Heck, if they dropped a devastating Botox bomb on all of them they’d have nothing left but their hair extensions.

British Vogue March 2024 cover featuring Kate Moss, Oprah Winfrey, Linda Evangelista, Jane Fonda and Victoria Beckham

British Vogue March 2024 cover featuring Kate Moss, Oprah Winfrey, Linda Evangelista, Jane Fonda and Victoria Beckham

Trolls Shouldn’t Grill Chef Gregg

Shame on the online haters who attacked MasterChef host Gregg Wallace for being a neglectful dad because he fits a gym session into his hectic daily work schedule.

Wallace’s son Sid is four years old, non-verbal, autistic and still in diapers, but the TV chef goes out of his way to spend time with him.

How many of your pathetic trolls could, or even would, change a four year old’s diaper?

MasterChef host Gregg Wallace faced online abuse over his fatherhood

MasterChef host Gregg Wallace faced online abuse over his fatherhood

Mount Everest Sherpa Mingma G says climbers have turned his beloved mountain into an “open toilet”, leaving behind three tonnes of human waste. He says he stinks and insists that climbers bring their own bags for deposits, with inspections to make sure they take the problem with them. If only we had a Mingma on Hampstead Heath to keep an eye on dog owners, we could be free of all the disgusting doggy bags littering this glorious green space.

Why isn’t James happy?

Happy Valley star James Norton is reportedly “heartbroken” by the collapse of his six-year relationship with his fiancée, distinguished actress Imogen Poots.

They ‘broke up’, they tell us. Call me cynical, but that’s usually shorthand for, “I’ve moved away from you, but I’ve gotten closer to someone else.”

Maybe him, maybe her, but few long-lasting relationships end out of sheer exhaustion.

Happy Valley star James Norton has split from actress Imogen Poots after six years.

Happy Valley star James Norton has split from actress Imogen Poots after six years.

No wonder Princess Anne was wearing one of the late Queen’s coats, an elegant purple check, as royal watchers discovered. Any daughter knows that we appreciate the pieces from Mom’s wardrobe that we keep after they’re gone. I still wear every one of the ten Hermes scarves I gave my mother over the years. And I swear, even after five years, they still smell like hers.

Princess Anne, right, in the late Queen's elegant purple checked coat.

Princess Anne, right, in the late Queen’s elegant purple checked coat.

The benefits bill for people of working age has risen 30 per cent to £100bn since Covid, with many citing their mental health as a cause of their inability to do a job. I wonder how many plaintiffs are too lazy to get out of bed. What a shame for them, given that £100 billion is more than half of the NHS’s total budget of £181 billion.

Prosecutors who questioned Joe Biden about secret documents apparently hidden in his home concluded he was “a well-intentioned old man with a bad memory” who couldn’t even remember when his son died. He went to give a television interview to refute claims that he was unfit for office and then confused Egypt with Mexico. And to think that this man’s trembling finger is on the nuclear button!

US President Joe Biden, 81, was tried by prosecutors as

US President Joe Biden, 81, was judged by prosecutors as “a well-intentioned old man with a bad memory.”

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