Home World Alert for British tourists as Spain braces for abnormal ‘rain of blood’ weather forecast which can affect anyone with lung problems

Alert for British tourists as Spain braces for abnormal ‘rain of blood’ weather forecast which can affect anyone with lung problems

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British tourists have been warned that Spain is to be hit by a
  • Saharan dust will cover Spain for up to three days
  • Flights may also be delayed or canceled due to abnormal weather conditions.
  • The ‘rain of blood’ is also expected to affect other European countries



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Fresh warnings have been issued to British tourists as virtually all of Spain is set to turn orange as the popular holiday destination prepares for a “rain of blood”.

The cooler weather experienced in Spanish hotspots has given way to a heatwave, with temperatures reaching 30°C in some places.

However, this change has also produced a new episode of Saharan dust, known as calima, which will cover Spain for up to three days.

And weather experts say that as it still rains in some places, the water will merge with the dust to produce a “rain of blood.”

Tourists who suffer from lung or other respiratory problems are advised to take care as they may be affected by the dust which resembles an orange haze with limited visibility.

Alert for British tourists as Spain braces for abnormal rain

British tourists have been warned that Spain is to be hit by a “rain of blood” which will last for three days until Monday.

Flights could also be delayed or canceled.

The invasion of the mist which will grip the country until Monday.

According to Marta Almarcha’s weather portal, the Saharan dust will not only be limited to the Iberian Peninsula, as it will affect other European countries.

From today, the entry of mist from the south will already be noticeable, also affecting the east of the Canary Islands.

The place where there will be the most dust will be Andalusia, although on that day the concentrations will still be low.

On Saturday the presence of African dust in the air will intensify, which will continue to enter from the south and leave this characteristic orange tint in almost the entire peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

According to Marta Almarcha, the arrival of the haze will be so intense that it could even reach the Scandinavian peninsula, traditionally sheltered from this type of phenomena.

On Sunday the situation will become even more evident and will fully affect the south and center of the peninsula, including Andalusia, Castile-La Mancha, Extremadura and Madrid.

People suffering from respiratory illnesses should take the necessary precautions in these cases, especially in areas of Spain where the haze will be intense and persistent.

Forecasts predict the airborne dust won’t clear until Monday, when an Atlantic front pushes it east and winds change.

For this reason, on Monday afternoon some communities will see the presence of haze intensify, as will be the case in the Valencian Community, the Balearic Islands and even Catalonia.

It comes after the Met Office warned a “rain of blood” would hit the UK at the end of January.

Met Office forecaster Marco Petagna said at the time: “Saharan dust is being drawn north and will affect the UK in the coming days, following recent dust storms in North Africa.

“You might want to hold off on washing the car for now.” And watch out for colorful sunrises and sunsets.

Experts say this phenomenon is quite common in the UK, as it can occur several times a year, when large desert storms coincide with southerly winds.


Blood rain describes a red colored rain falling from the sky.

What causes the rain of blood?

This happens when relatively high concentrations of red-colored dust or particles mix with rain, making it appear red when it falls.

Rain of blood is not actually a meteorological or scientific term, but rather a colloquialism found far back in history. With this in mind, there is no precise definition of the term.

How does rain of blood occur?

The forces that determine our weather can be quite powerful and do surprising things, including lifting things like sand or even small objects and carrying them great distances.

In case of blood rain, strong winds or storms can kick up dust and sand. As this becomes airborne, it can be drawn into atmospheric circulation, where it can be carried thousands of kilometers.

Eventually, dust will fall from the sky due to gravity or be captured in rain clouds, where it will mix with water droplets. When these fall as rain, the raindrops may appear red.

How often do blood rains occur?

A true blood rain, where the rain actually appears red, is relatively rare because you would need red dust/particles in fairly high concentrations in the rain.

Documented cases are rare. In 2001, in the southern Indian state of Kerala, monsoon rains fell periodically a red color dark enough to stain clothing. Rains of other colors were also reported during the same monsoon season, including green and yellow rains.

There are other, much older mentions of rain of blood – even dating back to Homer’s Iliad, the epic poem which describes the siege of Troy and is believed to have been written around the 8th century BC. Unsurprisingly, this was seen as a bad omen.

Are we having rain of blood in the UK?

These days, in the UK at least, the term rain of blood seems to be used much more loosely than the term grandiose would suggest.

Every year, on several occasions, the UK will see rain falling with some amount of dust mixed in. This usually comes from the Sahara before mixing with clouds and falling.

However, the dust we see is usually yellow or brown and mixed in very low concentrations – so the rain would look the same as usual. The only difference would be that you might find a thin film of dust on your car or windows after the water has evaporated.

So we rarely, if ever, see ‘real’ bloodshed here in the UK, despite what the media headlines may suggest.

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