Home Australia Albo’s crumbling castle: Labor insiders break ranks and tell me why everyone is freaking out behind the scenes – and the Liberals are rocked by a teal betrayal: PETER VAN ONSELEN

Albo’s crumbling castle: Labor insiders break ranks and tell me why everyone is freaking out behind the scenes – and the Liberals are rocked by a teal betrayal: PETER VAN ONSELEN

Labor parliamentarians are beginning to panic about the ability of Anthony Albanese to set up a strong campaign. The prime minister is shown with his partner Jodie Haydon in July 2023

Labor Albo Problem

Labor parliamentarians are beginning to panic about the ability of Anthony Albanese to set up a strong campaign against coalition and Peter Dutton after the first important opinion survey of the year had Albo following the preferred PM qualification.

‘It’s a bad sign,’ a deputy tells me, who didn’t want to be named.

‘It was not great the last time; It is difficult to have a lot of confidence in him now, ‘adds the disappointed privileged information.

The government cannot afford to lose more than one seat without losing its thin majority. Twelve of their seats remain in margins of less than four percent.

The respected resolution opinion survey published last week revealed a change of four percent against work compared to the result of the 2022 elections.

“The problem is that if Albo is already less popular than Dutton, and the campaign has not even begun, and we know that he is not a particularly good activist, how are we going to improve?” The Labor MP.

Victoria can be the most problematic state for the government. The state labor government is in the nose and the liberals are anticipating a great change in their way.

Labor parliamentarians are beginning to panic about the ability of Anthony Albanese to set up a strong campaign. The prime minister is shown with his partner Jodie Haydon in July 2023

“It was supposed to be the state that we took seats against Peter Dutton,” says the deputy. ‘So that’s why!’

The Victorian breakdown of the latest voting numbers sees that the main vote of Labour falling to only 25 percent, well below what was in the last elections and lower than the national vote.

The fear of work circles is that if the tide goes out in Victoria, the government could have difficulty retaining enough seats to compete for the minority government.

“We cannot afford to drop our part of the seats under the coalition,” warns the Labor parliamentarian.

“If that happens, it will be easier to convince the tiles to support them.”

If only 10 seats change hands between the main matches, the coalition should gain more seats in the low house than the work. But there are certainly no guarantees.

Meanwhile, the liberals are concerned about Western Australia, where an electoral route delivered its majority to Albo.

What explains why visiting the West was part of the January campaign of Albo Blitz.

A liberal candidate tells us that Dutton will need to do all heavy job in these elections

A liberal candidate tells us that Dutton will need to do all heavy job in these elections

Our privileged information states that if the prime minister takes seriously to take the government to a second term, he needs to demonstrate that he has not yet reviewed: ‘He can do it listening to more people around him. Not only Penny and his fellow lefties.

The MP states that a winning strategy will require that the upper ministers around Albo ‘intensify’.

‘He is (the prime minister), not a type of detail. He needs Jim (Chalmers) and others such as Jason (Clare) and Ed (Husic) to play significant papers, a little as they did the last time. But now it is even more important.

In the 2022 elections, Albo fell ill of Covid during the third week of the campaign. Many saw it as the best work week. With the opposition leader of the then opposition, those around him took the lead and helped consolidate the opinion that work had an alternative credible cabinet.

Jason Clare is likely to once again assume the role of the campaign spokesman.

“My biggest concern is that voters have already decided on us, and that is difficult to overcome, especially if they think Albo is not good,” says the source.

“We are all going to have to fasten and do what we can to endure locally, because we cannot get help from above.”

Dutton a single man’s band

While Labor experts care about the ability of their leaders to win a campaign, younger liberals are looking at the opposition and wonder who Peter Dutton has around them capable of tie their own cords.

It really is a single man show on the wrong side of the treasure banks. Dutton is challenging expectations and improving in the surveys, but what about the surrounding team?

A liberal candidate tells Daily Mail Australia that finding two official campaign spokesmen is a challenge in itself.

“Jane (Hume) and James Paterson are probably the only two names in which you can trust their lines,” says the liberal candidate.

‘(Treasurer) Angus Taylor is not very good and Sussan (law) is a risky propane deputy to put his foot in his mouth. There is not much talent there. ‘

It is not unusual for oppositions to trust their leaders. That is great when they are popular (think of Bob Hawke in 1983), except when they are not (Bill Shorten managed to lose the 2019 not possible elections).

Two years ago, a strategy of Dutton only for a campaign would have scared the liberals and energized the Labor Government, but not anymore.

“Dutts will need to do all heavy work if we are going to win or be close to winning,” says the source.

“After that, it depends on each of us to execute good local campaigns.”

I am leaning to Albo to call the elections on Sunday, March 9, immediately after the state elections of WA the previous day.

Liberal Party Bluish Green Desertion

Heather Ruddock will help Tina Brown's Green Campaign against Liberal Deputy sitting Julian Leeser

Heather Ruddock will help Tina Brown’s Green Campaign against Liberal Deputy sitting Julian Leeser

Phillip Ruddock's wife, attorney general during Howard's years, has resigned from the Liberal Party to campaign for Brown

Phillip Ruddock’s wife, attorney general during Howard’s years, has resigned from the Liberal Party to campaign for Brown

Phillip Ruddock’s wife, attorney general during Howard, has resigned from the Liberal Party to campaign for Independiente Tina Brown at the former headquarters of her husband in Berowra.

Heather Ruddock says the party has lost contact with its base, whatever it means. He is also worried that he is not moderate enough in some policy areas.

She will help the Green bluish campaign against the liberal parliamentarian sitting Julian Leeser.

While Heather can do what he wants, obviously, it is difficult not to think that bitterness and resentment are larger drivers of his decision to convert a party that he has supported during most of his life.

The same party that gave her husband a long federal political career, a parliamentary pension for life (including yours), and even allowed her The Federal Parliament came to an end (Phillip served as mayor of the Liberal Party on the north coast of Sydney for another seven years).

I am sure that Heather’s heart change has nothing to do with Leeser who wants to take over Ruddock at Berowra’s federal headquarters. Or suggest to the then 81 years that maybe he should consider retiring from his role as mayor.

And even if you really believe that the Liberal Party is not moderate enough for your tastes, where was Heather the protester during her husband’s reign as an immigration minister, rejecting the Tampa and enclosing children in the centers of asylum at high seas?

We listen to Ruddock’s children with concerns at the time, but not Heather.

In addition, of all liberal parliamentarians to aim for not being moderate enough, why read?

He resigned as Peter Dutton Attorney General because he did not agree with his leader in the voice referendum.

That’s right, Leeser campaigned for the voice, along with a group of bluish green by the way.

Therefore, Heather’s new concerns with the Liberal Party are tired of a disgust for Leeser and little else.

It is probably the liberal deputy more similar to the bluish green that remains in Parliament for the good of God.

(Tagstotranslate) Dailymail (T) News (T) Peter Dutton

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