Home US Adoption murder horror: Russian boys, 13 and 16, are arrested after their Spanish adoptive mother is found knifed to death, bound and gagged in car boot

Adoption murder horror: Russian boys, 13 and 16, are arrested after their Spanish adoptive mother is found knifed to death, bound and gagged in car boot

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Two Russian children have been arrested in Spain on suspicion of having killed their adoptive mother, who was found last night tied, gagged and stabbed in the trunk of a car.
  • The eldest son is believed to have stabbed his mother in the neck with a sharp object.
  • The younger suspect cannot be charged and will be turned over to social services.

Two Russian children have been arrested in Spain on suspicion of having killed their adoptive mother, who was found last night tied, gagged and stabbed in the trunk of a car.

Silvia López, 48, was found dead in Castro Urdiales, Cantabria, last night before the Spanish Civil Guard swooped in to arrest her two sons.

Police are treating the death as murder and say they were led to the unnamed boys, ages 13 and 16, after they called their grandmother last night.

Preliminary investigations indicate that the 16-year-old boy hit his mother in the neck with a sharp object and that the couple then fled and pretended they had been kidnapped to deceive the authorities.

Under Spanish law, the 13-year-old is too young to be charged and will be handed over to social services, where a team of psychologists and health professionals are expected to monitor him.

Two Russian children have been arrested in Spain on suspicion of having killed their adoptive mother, who was found last night tied, gagged and stabbed in the trunk of a car.

Silvia López, 48, was found dead in a garage on Wednesday night.

Silvia López, 48, was found dead in a garage on Wednesday night.

Police observe crime scene in northern Spain after dead mother is found

Police observe crime scene in northern Spain after dead mother is found

Police worked through the night to unravel the mystery after finding the mother in a garage near Santander and amid reports of her children being kidnapped.

Local police and the Civil Guard set up roadblocks overnight to locate the children while investigators explored the path of a possible domestic violence attack.

Since Lopez’s father worked out of town overnight, they judged it unlikely that he would be involved.

‘He didn’t believe it. He was devastated,” a source close to the investigation said, as reported. The newspaper.

Checkpoints stretched across the region as police tracked Castro for signs of the missing children, searching the boots of passing cars.

They were finally found in Cotolino Park, hidden in a mountainous area.

One reportedly tried to flee while the other was detained by the Civil Guard. They did not recognize the crime, local media reported.

A regional government spokesman said this morning that the older brother was suspected of killing López.

Detectives have not yet made any official comment, but are expected to do so later today.

The younger of the two boys is currently with juvenile prosecutors.

The older boy, who is also described as a minor but whose age has not yet been made public, is detained at a Civil Guard police station in Castro Urdiales.

The mayor of Castro Urdiales, Susana Herrán, stated this morning: ‘Our feeling is one of absolute sadness. It’s horrible that things like this happen.”

He also revealed that the children’s father was working when the alleged homicide occurred.

Silvia López, 48, was found dead with neck injuries in a garage in northern Spain

Silvia López, 48, was found dead with neck injuries in a garage in northern Spain

Carmen Merino was arrested in September 2019 in the coastal town of Castro Urdiales after her husband’s decapitated head was found in a box she had given to a neighbor for safekeeping, claiming it contained sex toys she did not want. your partner will find.

The 64-year-old woman told the neighbor that she had put her sexual aids in a bag at the checkout because she thought the police might search her house looking for the missing Jesús María Baranda and she felt embarrassed that they would find them.

She was sentenced to 15 years in prison in December 2022 after being found guilty of killing the retired bank worker following a fifteen-day jury trial in a Santander court.

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