Home US About featuring in a MailOnline video

About featuring in a MailOnline video

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We are looking to recruit MailOnline users to appear in a short film for business-to-business purposes (i.e. not broadcast).

To allow us to select people for the film, we ask that you send us a short video of you talking about why you visit MailOnline. From all the videos received we will select up to 20 finalists; These finalists will be professionally interviewed and the footage will be included in a film about MailOnline.

If you make the final cut, you will receive $300 in cash.

Hurry: we need to receive your video by Friday, October 19.

Tips for your video
Your video can be very simple and recorded from a mobile device, webcam or video camera. You will then need to save your video to a computer to upload it here and send it to us.
It just needs to be a short video. As a guide, between 30 seconds and 1 minute, don’t worry if it’s longer. Save your video file using your first and last name, for example, John_Smith.

Please include the following in your video:

  • Your name
  • Your age
  • Where you live: city and state only
  • Your job/career
  • How often do you visit MailOnline?
  • Why do you visit MailOnline?
  • The things you like most about MailOnline
  • Where and when you visit MailOnline

Once you’ve finished your video, fill out the form below.

To add your video:

  • Save your video to your desktop
  • Fill in your name and email address
  • Click the browse button below and select your video in your files
  • Then click ‘Send Video’ and your video will be sent to us.

Alternatively, you can email your video directly to lucy.scott@mailonline.co.uk.

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