Home Australia A young couple sneaks into a port-a-potty to have secret sex…only to crash into the wall!

A young couple sneaks into a port-a-potty to have secret sex…only to crash into the wall!

A couple is seen walking through what appears to be a construction site walking towards a portable toilet.

A playful couple was caught on camera in China sneaking into a portable toilet for a secret game, only for the wall to collapse and the couple to crash into it.

A man and woman were seen walking through what appears to be a construction site, heading directly to a portal located in front of a prefabricated office.

The woman opens the door and takes a look before following the man inside.

Moments later, a side wall breaks and the woman falls to the ground.

The man can be seen trying to catch her as she falls, and then walking out the door and walking over to help her up.

Red-faced, the duo appear to flee the scene.

It is understood the footage was filmed in the Chinese city of Jingzhou.

A couple is seen walking through what appears to be a construction site walking towards a portable toilet.

The couple enters the port-a-potty and then nothing happens for a few seconds.

The couple enters the port-a-potty and then nothing happens for a few seconds.

Suddenly, a side wall of the port-a-potty collapses and the duo crashes into it.

Suddenly, a side wall of the port-a-potty collapses and the duo crashes into it.

The woman falls to the ground while the man tries to grab her

The woman falls to the ground while the man tries to grab her

The woman lies on the floor, while the man leaves the portal through the door.

The woman lies on the floor, while the man leaves the portal through the door.

The man walks out of the portaloo onto the grass, with the woman still lying on the ground.

The man walks out of the portaloo onto the grass, with the woman still lying on the ground.

Then the man approaches the woman to help her up.

Then the man approaches the woman to help her up.

The man helps the woman to stand up.

The man helps the woman to stand up.

The pair then quickly flee the scene. It is understood the images were captured in Jingzhou, China.

The pair then quickly flee the scene. It is understood the images were captured in Jingzhou, China.

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