Home Australia A woman went to sleep in the same bed as a man she had been dating. Weeks later she was sent a disturbing video.

A woman went to sleep in the same bed as a man she had been dating. Weeks later she was sent a disturbing video.

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The woman was filmed in a sexually explicit manner while she was sleeping and was threatened with the videos

A woman learned she had been sexually assaulted after a man she had been dating sent her images of him abusing her while she slept in the same bed as him.

David Wiari Wehi, 50, appeared at Rotorua District Court on New Zealand’s North Island and pleaded guilty to three charges including rape by unlawful sexual connection, threatening to kill and making recordings. intimate visuals.

A police summary of events was published ahead of her sentencing next month and revealed the shocking details of the sexual abuse the woman suffered.

Wehi and the woman began an intimate relationship, but after a few months he became “possessive and persistent,” the summary reads.

The woman established clear boundaries with Wehi and on one occasion, when he wanted to use her mobile phone to sexually record her, she clearly indicated that she “didn’t like that” and did not consent to any intimate visual recording.

The woman was filmed in a sexually explicit manner while she was sleeping and was threatened with the videos

The summary said the couple did not see each other for about two months and when they did, Wehi became possessive and angry because he wanted more from the relationship.

The woman received 270 text messages, most of which were abusive, prompting her to block Wehi’s number before unblocking it a few weeks later.

She met him again that month and spent the night with him. The couple met up the next night and he stayed at the woman’s house.

The woman recalled that she went directly to bed in her nightgown and underwear and did not have sexual relations with Wehi, the Rotorua Daily Post reported.

When she woke up, her underwear was missing and she was covered only by a sheet, as her blanket was on the floor.

The summary indicated that the woman did not think much about it at the time since Wehi was gone before she woke up.

However, in the following weeks he began contacting her again and sending her threatening messages.

He received three photographs and two videos of Wehi, one of which showed her being sexually raped while she slept.

He recognized her body and bedding from the videos and could even hear himself snoring, according to the summary.

The woman said she did not know she was having sex with Wehi and did not consent to being recorded.

New Zealander David Wiari Wehi, 50, pleaded guilty to rape by unlawful sexual connection, threatening to kill and making intimate visual recordings.

New Zealander David Wiari Wehi, 50, pleaded guilty to rape by unlawful sexual connection, threatening to kill and making intimate visual recordings.

Wehi threatened to send the videos to his friends and stated that he would create a Facebook page where he would post them for everyone to see the recordings.

He continued to send threatening messages, claiming he would kill her and throw her in a hot pool or burn her house down, according to the summary.

The woman, fearing for her life, blocked Wehi’s number and reported the messages and recordings to the police.

Wehi will appear in court on July 26 for sentencing.

The 50-year-old man could face up to 30 years in prison, and the crime of rape carries a maximum sentence of 20 years, a death threat of up to seven years and three years in prison for making an intimate visual recording.

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