Home Australia A woman is branded a “bad person” after insisting pet owners should not take on “life-altering medical debt” on behalf of their animals.

A woman is branded a “bad person” after insisting pet owners should not take on “life-altering medical debt” on behalf of their animals.

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A furious debate has broken out on social media after a woman insisted that pet owners should not bear the burden.

From adorable puppies to cuddly kittens, animals are valued members of many families, and many owners say they would do anything for their furry friends.

So when faced with an unexpected illness or injury, it can be a really difficult time for everyone involved. Owners are forced to pay thousands of pounds in veterinary bills, while some even go abroad to avoid sky-high costs.

A furious debate has broken out on social media after a woman insisted pet owners should not take on “life-altering medical debt” on an animal’s behalf.

User X (formerly Twitter) from Cleveland, Ohio, who goes by @realgirl_fieridecided to share his controversial view of the issue, which has left many people unhappy.

The tweet, posted yesterday, has already been viewed by more than 7.2 million people and has racked up 700 responses.

A furious debate has broken out on social media after a woman insisted pet owners should not take on “life-altering medical debt” on an animal’s behalf (file image)

The tweet, published yesterday, has already been seen by more than 7.2 million people and has accumulated 700 responses.

The tweet, published yesterday, has already been seen by more than 7.2 million people and has accumulated 700 responses.

Expanding on her point, the American added: ‘If one option is to rehome a family who can more easily pay for care, that’s a good option!

“But potentially permanently altering your own financial situation over a pet is never a good idea.”

Some pet owners agreed, with one writing, “Oh girl, they’re going to crucify you for this, but you’re right.”

A second joked: ‘Someone posted flyers in Manhattan with a link to GoFundMe for their dog’s brain cancer treatment, with a photo of the dog, which is clearly old. I think maybe you need to hear this.

Meanwhile, a third chimed in and said: ‘Years ago I would have STRONGLY disagreed, but now, after so many dog ​​and cat rescues I’ve fostered, I’m starting to agree with you. Vets can be downright cruel by doing too many tests and making you feel guilty.’

Someone who had struggled with the difficult dilemma himself admitted: ‘Amen! They thought our dog probably had a brain tumor because he was showing all the signs, but it would cost $6,000 to find out, and unfortunately, it didn’t.

Another reasoned: ‘I didn’t go into debt, but I spent $6,000 to save our dog in February.

‘It was an emergency surgery situation and my heart won. I don’t regret it, but it was a big hit to my savings and I wouldn’t judge anyone for making a different decision.’

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Some pet owners agreed, with one writing:

Some pet owners agreed, with one writing, “Oh girl, they’re going to crucify you for this, but you’re right.”


Would you take on a debt that would change your pet’s life?

  • Yeah 103 votes
  • No 229 votes

Another user argued: ‘Life-altering medical debt for animals – and HUMANS – simply should not exist. People should NOT be forced to give up their pets because they cannot afford to treat them.’

However, some people were furious with the controversial opinion, calling her a “bad person” and demanding she should never have a pet.

One owner commented: “If you are not prepared to cover the costs and do not take out insurance, you do not deserve to have your pet.”

A second wrote: “If you’re the type of person who would rather let your animal die than try to seek medical attention, never have a pet.”

‘When you buy an animal, you accept that at some point it will have health problems and will need care. If you don’t want that responsibility, don’t take it. Simple.’

Others simply wrote: “Then never have a pet” and “I don’t care.” Money comes and goes, a friend is forever.’

‘You shouldn’t have a pet without insurance’ and ‘Did you have to say it on National Pet Day?’ joked the X users.

Another pet owner wrote: ‘I spent 10k to keep my dog ​​alive. He would never regret me. Don’t have animals if you can’t afford to care for them.

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However, some people were angered by the controversial opinion, calling it

However, some people were angered by the controversial opinion, calling her a “bad person” and demanding that she should never have a pet.

‘There are so many things I want to say here but I won’t. You have the right to your opinion. But I will say simply. Respectively, NO’ added another angry owner.

The heated debate comes just after the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) warned that pet owners could be paying too much at the vet for medicines, prescriptions and care for their animals.

The CMA review found that consumers may not receive enough information (including price lists) to enable them to choose the best practices and treatments for their pet.

Caitlin Dolan, 25, told how her cat, called Precious, died because she couldn’t “even begin to pay” the £3,000 bill she was quoted for tests and treatments.

Dolan, who took her cat to the vet because it seemed lethargic, told the BBC the “emotional effect” of not being able to pay the bill was “unbelievable.”

“We couldn’t even begin to afford it. The emotional toll was incredible,” she said.

Dolan added that the vets were “not really willing” to tell him what was wrong with his cat “without going through £3,000 worth of tests and treatments”.

Meanwhile, a cat owner told MailOnline he was “outraged” after being quoted £5,000 for surgery on his tabby, who had a broken leg after being hit by a car when her insurance only covered £4,000. .

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