Home US A Trump fan tries to suffocate a Biden supporter with her chest outside the courtroom as nervous fans on both sides await the verdict in the silent money trial.

A Trump fan tries to suffocate a Biden supporter with her chest outside the courtroom as nervous fans on both sides await the verdict in the silent money trial.

As wild scenes took over the streets outside Manhattan Criminal Court on Thursday, a Trump supporter flashed her breasts at an anti-MAGA protester.

Wild scenes took over the streets outside Manhattan Criminal Court as the world awaits the jury’s verdict in the former president’s hush money trial.

A strongly pro-Trump crowd turned out at the courthouse to witness the moment, before a handful of anti-MAGA protesters confronted them early Thursday.

In a moment of craziness during the fight, a woman exposed her breasts and flashed them in the face of a protester as police led them away.

A nervous energy filled the space ahead of a possible conviction, as one Trump supporter, Lily Qi, 60, told DailyMail.com: ‘We pray to God that he is not guilty. This case is totally wrong.’

It comes as jury deliberations crossed the 10-hour mark before jurors were sent home for the day, ahead of the groundbreaking moment that could turn the presidential front-runner into a convicted felon.

As wild scenes took over the streets outside Manhattan Criminal Court on Thursday, a Trump supporter flashed her breasts at an anti-MAGA protester.

A woman ripped signs from a protester's hands as nervous supporters on both sides showed their frustration at the historic verdict.

A woman ripped signs from a protester’s hands as nervous supporters on both sides showed their frustration at the historic verdict.

When clashes broke out outside the courthouse, both sides of the protesters fought over signs and hurled insults at each other, culminating in the bizarre flashing episode when NYPD officers became involved.

A second fight broke out shortly afterwards in which one anti-Trump protester accused another of assaulting him, before police also removed him from the park.

A protester holding signs reading “Trump is the definition of depravity” and “dump Trump” was surrounded by supporters of the former president, before the signs were ripped from her hands.

Many in the pro-Trump crowd were seen in outlandish outfits and eccentric costumes showing their love for the former president, and one in a clown suit named ‘Pitchfork Pete’ said it related to Trump’s challenges.

“No one ever stood up for me,” he told DailyMail.com. “This man has stuck his neck out for us time and time again for the last eight years.”

Echoing much of Trump’s rhetoric about his criminal case, he continued: “I have never experienced anything like this in my life, where an innocent man has been put on trial.”

A large pro-Trump crowd took to the streets, with one telling DailyMail.com that they believe the whole case is for

A large pro-Trump crowd took to the streets, with one telling DailyMail.com that they believe the whole case is to “keep Trump off the campaign trail.”

A New York police officer was seen separating Trump supporters from protesters outside the courthouse when the two groups clashed Thursday morning.

A New York police officer was seen separating Trump supporters from protesters outside the courthouse when the two groups clashed Thursday morning.

Police arrested a woman after she waved signs saying

Police detained a woman after she waved signs saying “don’t let Trump ridicule you.”

“I’ll probably be in jail next to Donald Trump if he gets imprisoned,” he admitted. “He’s an inspiration to my family, his father built my neighborhood.”

He added that his clown costume was in honor of New York Governor Kathy Hochul, because she “calls us clowns, so I’m here to tell all the clowns MAGA.”

His friend, who only identified himself as Hungry Santa, said, “It’s important for me to be here today because the Constitution matters.”

“Judges can’t just do what they want, the Constitution supersedes what the majority wants.”

The supporter said he believes the entire case is to “keep Trump off the campaign trail…Biden has divided the country more than ever.”

Earlier in the day, a British woman and her partner were accosted by angry Trump fans as anticipation for the day grew, forcing police to intervene as the couple ran away.

The former president's lawyer, Alina Habba, speaks to the media early Thursday morning as the jury deliberates.

The former president’s lawyer, Alina Habba, speaks to the media early Thursday morning as the jury deliberates.

Supporters of former President Donald Trump demonstrate outside the courthouse, where wild scenes resembled a Trump rally.

Supporters of former President Donald Trump demonstrate outside the courthouse, where wild scenes resembled a Trump rally.

An atmosphere of anxiety filled the area around the court, with the former president waiting patiently inside to learn his fate, photographed during jury deliberations on Thursday.

An atmosphere of anxiety filled the area around the court, with the former president waiting patiently inside to learn his fate, photographed during jury deliberations on Thursday.

While the space outside the courthouse was occupied by a majority of Trump supporters, Diane Barney, one of the few anti-MAGA protesters, told DailyMail.com that she felt it was important for her to be there.

“I’m very interested in this case and finally seeing some justice and seeing it done,” she said.

‘He has escaped from everything in his entire life and has never had to account for anything.

“People may say this is the weakest case, but it’s the only one we’re going to have before this election… I’m optimistic that he will be found guilty.”

Nadine Seiler, who traveled from Maryland to be there, added: “The America we live in is an upside-down world. Unfortunately, I only see Trump getting more support.”

“I hope the jury takes their task seriously, weighs the evidence and I hope it’s a guilty verdict… Even if he’s found guilty, I don’t see him going to jail.”

Street artist Naked Cowboy also appeared briefly to show his support for Trump outside the courthouse.

He said: “This is more exciting, this is America, it should be entertaining.” The whole world is watching one man: Donald Trump.

‘I love Donald Trump. I hope he wins and this country becomes prosperous again.”

He then performed a song with the lyrics: “So impeach him, convict him, put him in jail, no matter what you do, Trump will prevail.”

Many members of the pro-Trump crowd were seen in outlandish outfits and eccentric costumes that showed their love for the former president.

Many members of the pro-Trump crowd were seen in outlandish outfits and eccentric costumes that showed their love for the former president.

Street performer Naked Cowboy also appeared briefly to show his support for Trump outside the courthouse, telling DailyMail.com: Do I love Donald Trump? I hope he wins and makes this country prosperous again.

Street performer Naked Cowboy also appeared briefly to show his support for Trump outside the courthouse, telling DailyMail.com: “I love Donald Trump.” “I hope he wins and makes this country prosperous again.”

Not all of the protesters outside the courthouse arrived in flashy outfits, and Qi said he had camped outside the trial every day to show his support.

‘We are praying to God that he is not guilty. This case is totally wrong,’ he stated.

‘They want all the newspapers to come here and say that Trump is doing something but they ruined this country.

“This is America, not another country, can you believe it? I’ve been coming here every day and I will until Trump wins and America wins.”

Another Trump supporter who says she has been at the trial every day, Stephanie Lu, 58, said she will stay because “we know the truth and that is that Trump is fighting for us.”

‘He’s a billionaire and he doesn’t need this. He can go anywhere,’ he said.

‘He is the one who saw through this country and its lies. Trump cares about this country. We appreciate it.

‘We came every day. “We didn’t know each other but the love for this country brought us together.”

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