Home US A tranquilized black bear falls off a branch and into a safety net after landing in a tree outside a Pennsylvania high school.

A tranquilized black bear falls off a branch and into a safety net after landing in a tree outside a Pennsylvania high school.

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A dozen rescuers braced for impact as the tranquilized bear fell from the tree.

A Pennsylvania dog patrol was called into action after a young black bear decided to take up residence in a Harrisburg neighborhood.

Roads were closed and staff and students at Cumberland County High School were ordered to stay indoors after the intrepid creature was seen strolling through the suburb of Camp Hill early Tuesday afternoon.

When rescuers arrived at the scene, he had settled into the branches of a tree 25 feet above a sports field.

Firefighters and firefighters approached on a ladder truck before firing a tranquilizer dart at him while their colleagues spread a tarp below.

Minutes later, the unconscious bear fell from the tree and a dozen rescuers skillfully trapped it in the center of the tarp.

A dozen rescuers braced for impact as the tranquilized bear fell from the tree.

Pennsylvania Game Commission officials said it would be released back into the wild.

Pennsylvania Game Commission officials said it would be released back into the wild.

There are believed to be more than 20,000 black bears in the state and multiple bear sightings have been reported in Cumberland County in recent weeks, pennlive.com reported.

The combined team of wildlife officials, police and firefighters took no chances with this one and put another tranquilizer on their young captive before placing him in a bear trap on a trailer.

Pennsylvania Game Commission officials said the bear did not appear to be fully grown and would likely be released once it had recovered on state land in rural Juniata County.

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