Home Australia A third of voters say Joe Biden’s 2020 election win was not legitimate: fears about voting machines and media bias cloud November rematch, our poll reveals

A third of voters say Joe Biden’s 2020 election win was not legitimate: fears about voting machines and media bias cloud November rematch, our poll reveals

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A sizable number of voters now say Biden's 2020 defeat of Trump was disingenuous

Nearly a third of voters now say President Joe Biden was not legitimately elected in 2020, reflecting a growing number of people questioning his victory and raising tough questions ahead of the November contest, our poll shows.

63 percent of respondents said Biden won the election fairly four years ago, but a significant 31 percent said the result was not legitimate. Another 7 percent of respondents said they were unsure.

The DailyMail.com/TIPP poll of nearly 1,300 adults comes less than nine months before voters again elect their president, in what appears to be a replay between Biden, a Democrat, and his Republican predecessor, Donald Trump.

Trump has maintained that he legitimately won the 2020 vote, despite numerous election audits and more than 60 lawsuits that he lost in court after failing to prove claims that the vote was rigged.

A sizable number of voters now say Biden’s 2020 defeat of Trump was disingenuous

Voters are increasingly questioning whether Joe Biden won the 2020 election fairly and equitably.

Voters are increasingly questioning whether Joe Biden won the 2020 election fairly and equitably.

He remains the Republican Party’s favorite in his bid to retake the White House this year, despite facing four criminal indictments with 91 counts. Two of those cases relate to his efforts to retain power after losing to Biden.

Trump has said in recent weeks that he could be a victim of fraud again in November, making the same type of claims of voting irregularities that fueled the violent Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol.

‘They used COVID to cheat. And they did many other things too. We’re not going to let that happen,” Trump said after winning the New Hampshire Republican primary last month.

‘You can never forget history, because if you forget it, you never, never recover from it. And you repeat.’

Our nationwide poll and other surveys show that voters increasingly question whether Biden won in 2020, and the share of people who consider the result legitimate has declined in the three years since the Capitol riot.

59 percent of Republicans now say Biden did not win fairly and equitably.

Other groups that are more skeptical of Biden’s victory include men, married women, whites, people 65 and older, people with lower incomes, those with only a high school education and those in the South.

1707912665 778 A third of voters say Joe Bidens 2020 election win

Former President Donald Trump insists he won the 2020 election and has suggested the impending November rematch could also be marred by fraud.

Former President Donald Trump insists he won the 2020 election and has suggested the impending November rematch could also be marred by fraud.

Our pollsters collected comments from those who questioned Biden’s victory.

They raised concerns about everything from “corruption” to “foul play” and “election games” that resulted in “massive voter fraud.”

Some addressed specific concerns, such as the counting of “unverified mail-in votes,” “tampered voting machines,” and the surprising number of votes that arrived just as the polls were closing.

Others addressed broader issues, such as how “big tech companies like Google and Facebook manipulated what people saw in their feeds” to alter public perception of the candidates.

“The government worked with social media and mainstream media to censor any bad news about Joe Biden during 2020,” one respondent said.

Another added: “Contrary to what leftists and their lap media say, there is substantial evidence that the election was rigged and the people’s choice was stolen.”

Vote integrity has yet to become a central issue in this year’s race, which focuses instead on Trump’s numerous demands and Biden’s vulnerabilities, from high inflation to big industrial policy bills. and the turmoil in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Much attention is also being paid to signs of aging for Biden, 81, and Trump, 77, and whether their frequent gaffes suggest they are too old for another four-year stint behind the world’s most important desk.

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