Home US A shock new poll shows MAJORITY of America now opposes Gaza war… duplicitous Democrats openly mock Netanyahu… and even Trump sounds the alarm. DAN MCLAUGHLIN asks: Have we given up on Israel?

A shock new poll shows MAJORITY of America now opposes Gaza war… duplicitous Democrats openly mock Netanyahu… and even Trump sounds the alarm. DAN MCLAUGHLIN asks: Have we given up on Israel?

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The irresponsible United Nations Security Council, made up of 15 members and full of

This time, President Biden has truly betrayed Israel.

How can you know?

His administration is running around like crazy to deny it.

Let me explain. The unaccountable 15-member United Nations Security Council (packed with “major” human rights defenders, such as devastated Ecuador and authoritarian Algeria), passed a resolution Monday demanding an immediate Israeli ceasefire in Gaza. .

But the non-binding measure – incomprehensibly – did not make the pause in the fighting subject to the release by Hamas of its 130 hostages (96 alive and 34 presumed dead).

Needless to say, Israel will not comply. It doesn’t take a veteran diplomat to realize that if the Jewish state stopped military operations without preconditions, Hamas would have no incentive to release its captives.

Even more infuriating, this ignominious ultimatum comes just weeks after a UN report found that Hamas savages raped women on October 7 and continue to sexually abuse women and children they still hold hostage today.

As a permanent member of the Security Council, the United States could have used its veto power to unilaterally “kill” this resolution. But, much to the disgrace of the United States, we sat back and abstained from voting, allowing the resolution to pass 14-0.

Echoes of Barack Obama?

A shock new poll shows MAJORITY of America now opposes

The unaccountable 15-member United Nations Security Council, packed with “major” human rights defenders such as devastated Ecuador and authoritarian Algeria, passed a resolution on Monday demanding an immediate Israeli ceasefire in Gaza.

Much to the dismay of the United States, we sat back and abstained from voting, allowing the resolution to pass 14-0. Echoes of Barack Obama?

Much to the dismay of the United States, we sat back and abstained from voting, allowing the resolution to pass 14-0. Echoes of Barack Obama?

Much to the dismay of the United States, we sat back and abstained from voting, allowing the resolution to pass 14-0. Echoes of Barack Obama?

1711678056 398 A shock new poll shows MAJORITY of America now opposes

1711678056 398 A shock new poll shows MAJORITY of America now opposes

Walking out the door of the Oval Office in December 2016, Barry made an equally cowardly move.

He ordered his ambassador to the UN to abstain from voting on a resolution calling for an end to Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

If Obama sincerely supported the measure, the United States should have voted for it. Instead, the world’s best hope called out sick that day.

Not surprisingly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was outraged by Biden’s latest move and briefly canceled an Israeli delegation’s planned visit to the United States next week.

That meeting has since resumed, but days ago the Biden administration claimed to be stunned by the reaction.

Take the Dramamine; We’re about to start spinning.

Doing his best, Captain Renault, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby declared himself “perplexed” on Monday.

“Our vote does not represent (and I repeat, does not represent) a change in our politics,” he said, feigning shock.

Who are you kidding?

The United States had no problem vetoing the three previous UN ceasefire resolutions proposed since October 7.

Why let this one pass by abstaining?

Well, progressive Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna called Biden’s game.

“This is a significant change in (the president’s) Gaza policy after three previous vetoes of the ceasefire resolution,” Khanna tweeted on Monday. ‘Grassroots activism is making a difference…’

So there it is: Anti-Israel voters in potentially swing states, like Michigan and Minnesota, and on college campuses across the country now have a big megaphone. Team Biden fears losing them in a tight re-election campaign, so they have opted for appeasement. He just doesn’t have the courage to admit it.

For decades he has played this double game. As Obama’s vice president, he reached out to Israel’s sworn enemy, Iran, while assuring pro-Israel Democrats that he would support Israel.

1711678056 148 A shock new poll shows MAJORITY of America now opposes

1711678056 148 A shock new poll shows MAJORITY of America now opposes

Doing his best, Captain Renault, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby declared himself “perplexed” on Monday.

Not surprisingly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was outraged by Biden's latest move and briefly canceled an Israeli delegation's planned visit to the United States next week.

Not surprisingly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was outraged by Biden's latest move and briefly canceled an Israeli delegation's planned visit to the United States next week.

Not surprisingly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was outraged by Biden’s latest move and briefly canceled an Israeli delegation’s planned visit to the United States next week.

Today, Biden says Hamas must be destroyed, but sends Vice President Harris to oppose a planned Israeli operation to take out the terrorist army’s last stronghold in Rafah.

“Any major military operation in Rafah would be a huge mistake,” Harris said last weekend.

Field Marshal Harris Knows Best!

Now, with the US-Israel meeting resuming next week, the White House has begun mocking Netanyahu.

A US official told Axios that “Biden’s top advisers laughed” when they heard about Bibi’s change of heart.

Is this how America treats its war-weary allies? Making fun of them in the media?

Biden’s two-faced mask is falling off. Even Democrats admit that his turnaround has gone too far.

“It is appalling that the United States has allowed the passage of a (this week’s UN) resolution that does not condemn Hamas,” Senator John Fetterman said Monday.

In New Jersey, Rep. Josh Gottheimer warned that the move would “only embolden Hamas and delay the safe return of the hostages.”

Newly elected New York Congressman Tom Suozzi said it has strengthened “Hamas terrorists.”

Trump would be expected to take advantage of Biden's vulnerability, further driving a wedge between the Democrats' pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli voters. But not.

Trump would be expected to take advantage of Biden's vulnerability, further driving a wedge between the Democrats' pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli voters. But not.

Trump would be expected to take advantage of Biden’s vulnerability, further driving a wedge between the Democrats’ pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli voters. But not.

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1711678057 99 A shock new poll shows MAJORITY of America now opposes

“Any major military operation in Rafah would be a huge mistake,” Harris said last weekend. Field Marshal Harris Knows Best! (Above) Palestinians gather on the rubble of a destroyed building in Rafah, Gaza Strip, on March 27, 2024.

Biden has lost his way. But then there is Donald Trump.

Trump would be expected to take advantage of Biden’s vulnerability, further driving a wedge between the Democrats’ pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli voters. But not.

“Israel has to be very careful because it is losing a lot of the world, it is losing a lot of support,” Trump bluntly told an Israeli media outlet on Monday. “Israel has to do what it has to do, but we have to reach peace because the world is changing and that is not a good thing for Israel.”

If anyone can stick his finger in the air and tell which way the wind is blowing, it’s Trump.

Lo and behold, a new Gallup poll released Wednesday shows that 55 percent of American adults now oppose Israel’s military action in Gaza, while only 36 percent approve. In November, 50 percent supported Israel’s war. Support has fallen among both parties, as well as among independents.

This is the most chilling warning to Israel yet.

Bibi must have known she could never trust these deceitful Democrats.

But did you ever imagine that Trump would also be weak in the knees?

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