Home Australia A professional organizer reveals why you should always clean your air fryer upside down, but many warn of one “risky” detail

A professional organizer reveals why you should always clean your air fryer upside down, but many warn of one “risky” detail

Before: Bukie Akinmade encouraged others to turn the appliance upside down to reveal the hidden grease and grime lurking unnoticed on the top.

A professional organizer wowed thousands with her “genius” way of cleaning an air fryer – but many pointed out one “risky detail.”

Bukie AkinmadeBetter known online as The Kitchen Muse, suggested turning the cookware upside down to reveal hidden grease and grime lurking on top.

“Have you ever turned your air fryer upside down? Do it now! I couldn’t believe my eyes!” she wrote in the caption of a video that has now gone viral.

“I made a homemade Gif cream cleanser and applied it. Now it looks brand new, I’m very happy.”

She prepared the cleaner by combining baking soda, dish soap, water and Magic Cleaner in a container and then carefully poured it into a bottle before applying it inside the unplugged air fryer.

Bukie then used a scouring pad and a little elbow grease to clean the device before wiping it down with a damp microfibre cloth, leaving the device sparkling clean.

“Do this last at night so it has at least 12 hours to dry before you have to use it again,” she said.

While many were impressed, others expressed concern about using water to clean an electronic device.

However, many were quick to point out that you should never get the element of an air fryer or oven wet.

Bukie Akinmade encouraged others to turn the appliance upside down to reveal the hidden grease and grime lurking unnoticed on top. However, many were quick to point out that you should never get the element of an air fryer or oven wet.

The cleaning method quickly shocked thousands of people and the short clip has been viewed more than 2.5 million times.

“I have to do this on the weekend,” wrote one.

“Why did I see this? Now I have to go clean mine,” added another.

“I’ll do it soon!” said a third.

However, many were quick to point out that you should never get the element of an air fryer or oven wet.

“I’m not going to take that risk,” one said.

“Electricity and water never mix. How did you clean under the element? And it still works?” asked another.

Another person who tried to clean the air fryer before had a bad experience.

“I did something similar and a few drops fell on the element… now my air fryer turns on power,” they said.

“It’s a resounding NO!” wrote another.

You should only clean an electronic kitchen appliance when it is turned off and unplugged from the electrical outlet.

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