Home US A Pennsylvania woman whose first job was scrubbing toilets at a Baltimore McDonald’s now owns TWELVE restaurants for the fast-food giant after 44 years of hard work.

A Pennsylvania woman whose first job was scrubbing toilets at a Baltimore McDonald’s now owns TWELVE restaurants for the fast-food giant after 44 years of hard work.

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Tanya Hill-Holliday has spent 44 years climbing the corporate ladder at McDonald's after joining the team at a Baltimore restaurant in 1980.
  • Tanya Hill-Holliday has spent 44 years climbing the corporate ladder at McDonald’s after joining the team at a Baltimore restaurant in 1980.
  • After holding 13 different positions within the company, Hill-Holliday took his stock options and purchased his first restaurant in 2005.
  • He now owns a 12-restaurant franchise valued at about $1.5 million.



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A Pennsylvania woman who began her career scrubbing toilets at McDonald’s now owns 12 of the chain’s restaurants.

Tanya Hill-Holliday has spent 44 years climbing the corporate ladder at McDonald’s after joining the team at a Baltimore restaurant in 1980.

“They told me I shouldn’t be here. They called me every name except mine,” Hill-Holliday said. CBS News Philadelphia.

“But I kept my head down and kept working,” he explained.

After holding 13 different positions within the company, including vice president, Hill-Holliday took his stock options and purchased his first restaurant, the Rosemont McDonald’s next to Villanova University, in 2005.

Tanya Hill-Holliday has spent 44 years climbing the corporate ladder at McDonald's after joining the team at a Baltimore restaurant in 1980.

Tanya Hill-Holliday has spent 44 years climbing the corporate ladder at McDonald’s after joining the team at a Baltimore restaurant in 1980.

Hill-Holliday began working for the fast food company while studying at Morgan State University.

Hill-Holliday began working for the fast food company while studying at Morgan State University.

Hill-Holliday began working for the fast food company while studying at Morgan State University.

He purchased his first restaurant, the Rosemont McDonald's next to Villanova University, in 2005.

He purchased his first restaurant, the Rosemont McDonald's next to Villanova University, in 2005.

He purchased his first restaurant, the Rosemont McDonald’s next to Villanova University, in 2005.

Hill-Holliday began working for the fast food franchise while studying at Morgan State University.

“I picked up the yellow pages at that point, started flipping through them, and saw a list of McDonald’s,” he recalled.

“I always enjoyed what I did, no matter how difficult it was to be told: ‘You have to clean a table, you have to clean the bathrooms, you have to scrub the baseboards.’ I did it,” he explained.

Hill-Holliday’s franchise is now worth about $1.5 million, and she oversees more than 600 employees.

She also serves as president of the National Association of Black McDonald's Operators and CEO of 168 entities across the United States.

She also serves as president of the National Association of Black McDonald's Operators and CEO of 168 entities across the United States.

She also serves as president of the National Association of Black McDonald’s Operators and CEO of 168 entities across the United States.

Hill-Holliday's franchise is now worth about $1.5 million, and she oversees more than 600 employees.

Hill-Holliday's franchise is now worth about $1.5 million, and she oversees more than 600 employees.

Hill-Holliday’s franchise is now worth about $1.5 million, and she oversees more than 600 employees.

Hill-Holiday was born in Virginia but now lives in a $700,000 home in Ardmore, Pennsylvania.

Hill-Holiday was born in Virginia but now lives in a $700,000 home in Ardmore, Pennsylvania.

Hill-Holiday was born in Virginia but now lives in a $700,000 home in Ardmore, Pennsylvania.

She also serves as president of the National Association of Black McDonald’s Operators and CEO of 168 entities across the United States.

Hill-Holiday says he hopes his journey inspires young people working their first jobs.

‘Stay motivated, encouraged, prayed. I keep praying all the time,” he added.

Hill-Holiday was born in Virginia but now lives in a $700,000 home in Ardmore, Pennsylvania.

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