Home Health A nurse has died after doctors, unsure what to do, dismissed a hidden heart condition as anxiety. Her devastated husband was awarded £1m compensation for NHS negligence, he says: “She was committed to caring for others but when she needed help, they failed her.”

A nurse has died after doctors, unsure what to do, dismissed a hidden heart condition as anxiety. Her devastated husband was awarded £1m compensation for NHS negligence, he says: “She was committed to caring for others but when she needed help, they failed her.”

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Nurse and mother of three Rose Fuentebaja, 40, had been hospitalized for a week when she suffered cardiac arrest and died in June 2017.

A grieving husband has received a £1million payout from the NHS after his wife died when doctors dismissed her fatal heart condition as anxiety.

Rose Fuentebaja, a 40-year-old nurse and mother of three, had been in hospital for a week when she suffered cardiac arrest and died in June 2017, something lawyers maintain was “avoidable”.

Doctors at Warwick Hospital mistakenly believed her problem was neurological even though she fainted repeatedly and tests showed disturbances in her heart rhythm.

He had previously been “fit and healthy” but collapsed at his home in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, prompting an ambulance to be called on 23 May 2017.

But even when paramedics performed an ECG, which showed abnormalities in her heartbeat, she was told her fainting spell was likely caused by anxiety and that her life-threatening condition had been overlooked.

Nurse and mother of three Rose Fuentebaja, 40, had been hospitalized for a week when she suffered cardiac arrest and died in June 2017.

Mrs Fuentebaja, a nurse for 16 years who worked in a private hospital, fell ill at home before ambulance crews told her she was fine.

The next day, she began to feel tingling in her hands and feet and fainted again.

This time an ambulance took her to the hospital, but as the cause could not be determined, she was evaluated and sent home again.

A few days later, after fainting again, she was taken by ambulance to the hospital, where she underwent numerous ECG tests.

Heartbeat abnormalities were detected, but continuous cardiac monitoring was not administered.

Instead, she was transferred to a neurological department at Coventry Hospital, where she died of cardiac arrest on 4 June 2017.

The nurse had previously been

The nurse had previously been “fit and healthy” but collapsed at her home in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, prompting an ambulance to be called on 23 May 2017. But even as paramedics carried out an ECG on her, which showed abnormal heartbeats, she was told her collapse was likely caused by anxiety and her potentially life-threatening condition was overlooked.

Abnormal heart rhythms were detected but she was not placed on continuous cardiac monitoring. Instead, she was transferred to a neurological department at Coventry Hospital, where she died of cardiac arrest on 4 June 2017.

Abnormal heart rhythms were detected but she was not placed on continuous cardiac monitoring. Instead, she was transferred to a neurological department at Coventry Hospital, where she died of cardiac arrest on 4 June 2017.

A nurse who was making her rounds found her unconscious and attempts to revive her were unsuccessful.

Medical negligence solicitors have secured a £1m damages settlement for Ms Fuentebaja’s husband, Darrel.

Mr Fuentebaja, who is left to care for his three children, aged 14, nine and six, said: “It was a really traumatic time when my wife died.

‘As a nurse, she was truly committed to helping others and helped save many lives.


Figures suggest that there are 200,000 hospital visits for heart attacks each year in the UK, compared with around 800,000 in the US.

A heart attack, medically known as a myocardial infarction, occurs when the blood supply to the heart is suddenly blocked.

Symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, and feelings of weakness and anxiety.

Heart attacks are commonly caused by coronary heart disease, which can be triggered by smoking, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Treatment usually involves medication to dissolve the clots or surgery to remove the blockage.

Reduce your risk by not smoking, exercising regularly, and drinking in moderation.

Heart attacks are different from cardiac arrest, which occurs when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood throughout the body, usually because of a problem with electrical signals in the organ.

Source: NHS Choices

‘Unfortunately, when the time came that he needed that help, they failed him and it cost him his life.

‘I went into a deep depression for about a year and was very worried at the time.

‘I was worried about what would happen to my children if something happened to me.

“I was left with a feeling of anger and bitterness about that and the mistakes that were made, and that’s why I filed a lawsuit on her behalf. I wanted justice for her.

‘The compensation is enough for me, but I can’t even think about spending it right now. It’s money I received for losing my wife.

‘I intend to save it and make sure my children can benefit from it in future years.

“They lost their mother and we hope this can help them in their lives.”

West Midlands University Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust has admitted breaching its duty of care as paramedics failed to identify possible heart problems despite an ECG showing abnormalities and loss of consciousness.

They also admitted that Mrs. Fuentebaja should have been notified to go to the hospital that day.

South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust admitted that failing to refer Ms Fuentebaja to cardiology and put her under constant cardiac monitoring was also a breach of duty.

She admitted that if this had happened, she would have received a correct diagnosis and been treated with beta-blocker medication.

Even if he had suffered cardiac arrest, he would have received rapid defibrillation and resuscitation and would have survived.

Medical negligence solicitor Elizabeth Maliakal, of Hudgell Solicitors, who represented the family, said: ‘Mrs Fuentebaja’s death was entirely avoidable.

‘Had she received proper treatment and care, she would still be with her family today, but she was let down by two different health care providers.

‘Missed opportunities to provide timely treatment led to the loss of a much-loved mother, wife and daughter who was the primary breadwinner for her family.

‘I have been incredibly proud that Mr. Fuentebaja has trusted me to represent him and his children during the most difficult times.

Medical negligence lawyers have secured a £1m damages settlement for Ms Fuentebaja's husband, Darrel.

Medical negligence lawyers have secured a £1m damages settlement for Ms Fuentebaja’s husband, Darrel.

Unfortunately, nothing, nothing can be done to fill the enormous void left in people’s lives when loved ones are lost due to medical errors.

‘However, we were able to offer our support, and a thorough investigation enabled us to secure an interim initial payment to help ease the financial strain on the family, a full apology from South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust and a final settlement which provides much-needed financial stability for Mr Fuentebaja and his children going forward.’

A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said: ‘We would like to once again apologise to Rose Fuentebaja’s family and offer our condolences.

‘The foundation has conducted an investigation into the incident, which we have been made aware of. As a result, we have implemented a number of changes based on the findings.

“We will continue to do everything possible to try to prevent something like this from happening again.”

A spokesman for South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust said: ‘We extend our sincere condolences to Rosalie’s family and friends.

‘At the time of his death in 2017, we thoroughly investigated all the missed opportunities and implemented learning across the organization in the wake of that.’

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