Home US A New York teacher surprises her students with an experiment that truly defies gravity. Can you find out how she did it?

A New York teacher surprises her students with an experiment that truly defies gravity. Can you find out how she did it?

A teacher from Mount Kisco, New York, taught her young students how water could defy gravity and stay in a jar, even after turning it upside down.

A teacher has surprised her students by defying the laws of gravity.

Mrs. Madden, of Mount Kisco, New York, performed a spell experiment for her science class by turning a jug of water upside down so that not a drop would spill out of the opening.

While the feat seemed to be something magical, it was possible using the pressure of the air that flowed into the container and trapped the water inside.

A teacher from Mount Kisco, New York, taught her young students how water could defy gravity and stay in a jar, even after turning it upside down.

Students filmed Madden standing in front of the classroom and covering a jug of water with what appeared to be a thin piece of cardboard.

When he turned the jar upside down, an air bubble appeared at the top of the liquid and he slowly removed his hand, showing that the cardboard would not fall.

Madden told his students that turning the jar upside down created air pressure that pushed upward in all directions, causing a magnetic effect between the cardboard and the water.

The air pressure would hold the liquid, he told his students as he removed the cardboard from the bottom.

When he turned the jar upside down, an air bubble appeared at the top of the liquid and he slowly removed his hand, showing that the cardboard would not fall.

When he turned the jar upside down, an air bubble appeared at the top of the liquid and he slowly removed his hand, showing that the cardboard would not fall.

When no water fell from the jar, her students screamed in shock as she explained that the air pressure in the jar was stronger than the gravity holding it in the container.

Madden pushed at the exposed water and apart from a few drops, no water came out.

His students ran to his desk to touch the water, exploding with excitement when the liquid remained firmly in its jar.

The video received heartwarming responses praising Madden’s teaching efforts, with one person writing, “He looks so happy to be creating a core memory for these kids and he’s TEACHING.”

“Many teachers don’t have time to teach, but his was beautiful to see.”

Another person wrote: ‘This is how you put children on the right path. Satisfy your curiosity with simple but surprising things.

“I bet those kids will remember her for a long time in their lives.”

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