Home US A mother of three who is worried about the outbreak of a civil war in the United States reveals how she has been preparing her children for the end of the world

A mother of three who is worried about the outbreak of a civil war in the United States reveals how she has been preparing her children for the end of the world

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A mother-of-three who spent a whopping $20,000 filling a room with food that will last for 25 years has revealed her preparation for the end of the world is to help keep her children safe.
  • Krystal is a mother of three living in the US preparing for the end of the world.
  • He has been preparing for disaster for 33 years.
  • The mother revealed that she was worried about ‘civil unrest’

A mother of three who spent a whopping $20,000 to stock a room with food that has a shelf life of 25 years has revealed her doomsday preparation is to help keep her children safe if a potential civil war breaks out in the United States.

Krystal, who did not reveal her full name, became a social media phenomenon after revealing she had been preparing for 33 years out of fear of an emergency.

While talking to ReallyThe mother, who brings her children and husband to help her in her preparation room, said she was prepared for any kind of disaster, including elections.

She revealed she had stocked up on medical supplies, food, tech products and more in case there was “another pandemic” or a “Third World War” broke out.

The mother also responded to those who criticized her for preparing, as she stated that she always “hopes for the best” despite planning for the worst.

A mother-of-three who spent a whopping $20,000 filling a room with food that will last for 25 years has revealed her preparation for the end of the world is to help keep her children safe.

She explained: ‘When I first started learning how to grow food, it was with my grandfather, it’s a way to feel self-sufficient so I can grow what I want to eat.

‘Preparation has been something that has been It has been a part of my life since I was very little. My grandmother taught me how to can when I was three years old and I have continued to do so for the past 33 years.

He then took viewers into his prep room, where he kept hundreds of cans of food that have a shelf life of “25 years.”

Krystal said, ‘I’m a doomsday prepper and I prepare for everything, whether it’s the grid collapsing and the power going out, whether there’s another pandemic, a civil war, civil unrest, or World War III, we always prepare for the worst case scenario and always hope for the best case.’

In addition to food, Krystal keeps medications, inhalers and technology products in the room.

He also revealed that the family even got a machine that helped them freeze dry goods.

The family revealed they had enough food for an entire year in their preparation room.

“I’ve spent about $20,000 on preparation over the past 10 years, yet I’ve saved thousands of dollars by growing and preserving my own food,” the mother said.

Krystal, who did not reveal her full name, became a social media phenomenon after revealing that she has been preparing for 33 years out of fear of an emergency.

Krystal, who did not reveal her full name, became a social media phenomenon after revealing that she has been preparing for 33 years out of fear of an emergency.

The mother of three said her children are not afraid to prepare because she talked to them about natural disasters and wanted them to be aware.

The mother of three said her children are not afraid to prepare because she talked to them about natural disasters and wanted them to be aware.

‘Everything here is always on rotation, so when we run out of something upstairs, we get it from this room.’

Krystal then showed viewers where the family keeps their guns, as well as their backpacks, which are packed with necessary supplies for them to simply grab and run.

The mother of three said her children were not afraid to prepare because she talked to them about natural disasters and wanted them to be aware.

She admitted that she often receives hate online, but “doesn’t read (her) comments.”

Krystal’s friend confessed that when she first heard her friend had been getting ready, she thought she was “totally crazy.”

However, after the pandemic, her friend joined in and started preparing.

Krystal noted that there was a lot of ‘civil unrest’ going on right now due to the upcoming election and added that she wanted to keep her family safe.

The race for the White House has been in the headlines as Kamala Harris and Donald Trump face off to win the presidency after Joe Biden surprised voters when he dropped out of the race in July.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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