Home US A man at the gym belittled me and told me I shouldn’t film my workouts because they “distract me.”

A man at the gym belittled me and told me I shouldn’t film my workouts because they “distract me.”

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Influencer Madi Webb captured the awkward moment an 'entitled' guy tried to 'belittle' her for filming TikTok videos at the gym in Los Angeles, California.

An influencer who posts fitness content online captured the awkward moment an “entitled” man tried to “belittle” her for filming TikTok videos at the gym.

Madi Webb was filming herself working out at her local gym in Los Angeles, California, when a complete stranger criticized her out of the blue.

The “rude” man suggested his videos were “distracting” her from working out and that she would “get more out of” her gym session if she put her phone down.

However, the 25-year-old had the best response and instead of getting defensive, she put the gym goer in his place by “making him feel stupid” as she claimed to earn between $10,000 and $35,000 per TikTok video .

The social media content creator shared the footage on TikTok with the caption “Where the (fuck) did he find the audacity?”, which has since gone viral with 2.5 million views.

Influencer Madi Webb captured the awkward moment an ‘entitled’ guy tried to ‘belittle’ her for filming TikTok videos at the gym in Los Angeles, California.

In the clip the man can be heard telling Madi: “Your form is good.” I don’t know why you have to make these little videos. It’s kind of a distraction from your training. You’d probably get more out of it (if you stopped).’

The images show the influencer smiling politely before saying ‘look, I’m already making a lot of money, because I make a lot of money making these ‘little’ videos’.

As the man walks away, the video shows the 25-year-old raising her middle finger and angrily saying “fuck you” to the camera.

Many users took to the comments to praise the influencer for her ‘perfect response’, while others questioned whether the man was trying to ‘flirt’.

The fitness enthusiast had just joined a new gym and revealed she was filming herself working out when the stranger appeared out of nowhere.

Instead of getting defensive, Madi admitted that she found the experience “fun” and wanted to “be in (her) power” against the “rude” man.

Madi said: ‘I thought it was funny. I grabbed my phone to record it because I sounded like an idiot. I already had my phone recording, so all I had to do was pick up the camera.

‘I had the right. I basically wanted to make him feel stupid. If people are going to come and put you down, then you better stay in your power and not let that happen.

Madi was filming herself working out at her local gym in Los Angeles when a complete stranger criticized her out of the blue.

Madi was filming herself working out at her local gym in Los Angeles when a complete stranger criticized her out of the blue.

The social media content creator shared the footage on TikTok with the caption

The social media content creator shared the footage on TikTok with the caption “Where the (fuck) did he find the audacity?”, which has since gone viral with 2.5 million views.

The fitness enthusiast had just joined a new gym and revealed that she was in the middle of filming herself working out when the stranger appeared out of nowhere.

The fitness enthusiast had just joined a new gym and revealed that she was in the middle of filming herself working out when the stranger appeared out of nowhere.

‘Honestly, I think his intention was to do that immature boy dance and make fun of me so that I would notice him, rather than just being a nice person.

‘If he wanted my attention, there were so many ways to get it that he didn’t have to insult me ​​to get it.

‘Women are so conditioned to think that’s flirting. I don’t think it’s flirting. I think it’s just rude. If he wanted to flirt with me, there are a million ways he could have done it.

‘Instead, he decided to humiliate me. Any man who needs to put down a woman to feel more masculine is not a man.

‘I know that responding defensively will never turn out the way you would like. Basically, it gives them more excuses to be assholes.

“He was embarrassed because I wasn’t playing his game at all or I was offended or defensive.

‘I didn’t do anything that was unpleasant or rude. All I did was respond very politely but in a bold manner.

“I don’t think I expected that response at all. Definitely not. That’s my favorite way to respond to men.

The podcaster, who manages all of her own content, admitted that this is not the first time she has been ‘dissed’ for her TikTok videos, but having come ‘out of nowhere’ she is grateful for having helped her get to where she is now.

The podcaster, who manages all of her own content, admitted that this is not the first time she has been 'dissed' for her TikTok videos, but having come 'out of nowhere' she is grateful for having helped her get to where she is now.

The podcaster, who manages all of her own content, admitted that this is not the first time she has been ‘dissed’ for her TikTok videos, but having come ‘out of nowhere’ she is grateful for having helped her get to where she is now.

The 25-year-old admitted that even though her response came naturally to her, she often

The 25-year-old admitted that even though her response came naturally to her, she was a “people pleaser” and has had to learn to “empower” herself.

However, the influencer warned that everyone must 'prioritize safety' and admitted that she would not have responded as she did if she had been in danger.

However, the influencer warned that everyone must ‘prioritize safety’ and admitted that she would not have responded as she did if she had been in danger.

Madi said: ‘I always get put down for my videos. I’ve done it since the day I started social media. It’s jealousy in a way.

‘The only difference between me and others is that I’m not afraid of being seen trying. I didn’t even post the videos I was filming in that gym. I was just practicing for future gym content.

‘I wasn’t afraid to go out with my phone and film my videos and make a fool of myself. I’m not afraid of that. When people criticize me for looking embarrassing, annoying, dumb, or stupid, it feels like a compliment to me.

‘By doing this I am where I am now. I live in a penthouse in Los Angeles. I came from nothing. So there is literally nothing you can say that will make me feel bad about what I’m doing.

‘I manage so that everything I earn is essentially earned by myself. I’m more of an entrepreneur than an influencer.’

The 25-year-old admitted that even though her response came naturally to her, she used to be a “people pleaser” and has had to learn to “empower herself” and now encourages other women to do the same so they are never afraid to do it. . ‘occupy space’.

Madi said: ‘I grew up being a people pleaser. Every part of me has been very learned because I didn’t want to be like that anymore.

‘Once I learned to empower myself, all I wanted to do was empower other women. And give them the skills, the tools, the tips and the hints that they wish they had.

The influencer said she never feels ashamed of filming in public because thanks to her videos she earns enough to live in a penthouse in Los Angeles.

The influencer said she never feels ashamed of filming in public because thanks to her videos she earns enough to live in a penthouse in Los Angeles.

He said he used to

She said she used to be a “people pleaser” and has learned to “empower herself” and now encourages other women to do the same so they are never afraid to “take up space.”

1717153076 998 A man at the gym belittled me and told me

Many users took to the comments to praise the influencer's response and some said it was

Many users took to the comments to praise the influencer’s response, with some saying it was “perfect.”

‘I feel like all of my content is a love letter to my younger self, who had no one to look up to and who was teaching me how to step into my power.

‘You have the right to occupy space. Men are so intimidated by women that they are not afraid to take up space and stay in their power. A lot of men are intimidated by that because it’s so anti-patriarchal.

‘You’re allowed to be there. You are allowed to do whatever you want. You can film your workouts. Or you can just exercise in peace with headphones on.

“The bravest thing you can do is not be afraid that they won’t love you or understand you.”

However, the influencer warned that everyone must ‘prioritize safety’ and admitted that she would not have responded as she did if she had been in danger.

Madi said: ‘I always tell everyone to prioritize safety above everything else. If you are alone with a man at a gym and he approaches you, don’t smile and be mean and sassy.

“If you feel safe in your environment and you’re surrounded by other people, I would say never let anyone make you feel small.”

Many users took to the comments to praise the influencer’s response. One user said: “However, the response was perfect because it dispersed quickly.”

Another user said: ‘How could you think so fast while standing?’ A third user said: “You devoured his soul.”

A fourth user said: ‘Why is he so worried about what you’re doing?’ I love your answer.’

Other users questioned whether the man was trying to ‘flirt’ with Madi. One user said: “Am I the only one who thinks he might have been trying to flirt?” Another user said: “Was this supposed to be a chat line?”

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