Home Australia A leading Australian lawyer reveals the only thing you should do if your marriage is falling apart

A leading Australian lawyer reveals the only thing you should do if your marriage is falling apart

Michael Tiyce, director of Tiyce and Lawyers, encouraged couples getting married to consider premarital counseling and a financial agreement, often called a prenuptial agreement, to avoid a costly divorce.

A leading family lawyer has shared his advice on what to do when your marriage falls apart, advice on how to build good relationships and horror stories when it all goes wrong.

Michael Tiyce Director at Tiyce y Abogadoshas spent more than 30 years dealing with the chaos of failed relationships and believes the pressure of the rising cost of living has pushed many couples over the edge.

For couples soon to be married, Tiyce said they should focus on one thing: “communication.”

“If you have a problem with your communication, improve it,” he told Daily Mail Australia.

“Premarital counseling is usually a very, very good idea, as is getting legal advice about the implications of marriage.”

Michael Tiyce, director of Tiyce and Lawyers, encouraged couples getting married to consider premarital counseling and a financial agreement, often called a prenuptial agreement, to avoid a costly divorce.

He also shared what can happen when marriages break up in the worst way.

“There are many horror stories of people trying to evade orders, such as burning down a house to avoid payment,” Tiyce said.

‘TThat’s one of the famous ones. tThe husband destroyed the property and obviously that is very serious contempt, so he spent some time in custody for that.

‘There was a case where the wife wanted the family dog, but the dog was a valuable stud to the husband.

‘So the wife had the dog de-sexed.

“She had to pay the husband a little to account for the fact that the value of that particular asset had decreased, but she kept her pet.”

Tiyce recalled divorce horror stories, including a woman who desexed a valuable breeding dog and a man who burned down his family's home.

Tiyce recalled divorce horror stories, including a woman who desexed a valuable breeding dog and a man who burned down his family’s home.

As for the cheapest option for resolving divorces, Tiyce believes that the best way to avoid a costly court process is to take preventative measures before getting married.

He recommended that couples do this by signing a “financial agreement,” often called a prenuptial agreement.

In a strange twist, Tiyce said it’s actually parents who put the most pressure on their children to protect their assets.

“Especially right now with the cost of living pressures, people are relying on the bank of mom and dad,” he said.

‘One of the things we are seeing quite often is that mom and dad participate in the deposits on the home but require the parties to enter into a financial agreement.

“That way, if your daughter or son separates from their partner later, the money they contributed will be protected.”

Another way divorcees can save is by prioritizing mediation over a court battle.

Tiyce (pictured) found that money has become a big focal point of marriages, as more couples enter into financial agreements and relationships break down due to cost pressures.

Tiyce (pictured) found that money has become a big focal point of marriages, as more couples enter into financial agreements and relationships break down due to cost pressures.

“The most experienced family lawyers will put all their energy into trying to get people to resolve their issues without resorting to the court process,” Mr Tiyce said.

‘Collect all your financial material and take it to a family lawyer. Tell them to get you out of the drama you’re in as soon as possible.

“The best idea, again, is open and honest communication, giving your attorney everything they ask for, and being sensible in your dealings with the other party.”


get a prenuptial agreement

Focus on “open and honest” communication

Prioritize mediation over court battles

Save all records and show them to your attorney.

Keep relationships with your ex civil and formal.

Do not post about your family law matter on social media

Get your finances in order

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