Home US A Jordanian migrant who tried to raid one of the most secure US bases illegally crossed the border WEEKS ago and another overstayed his visa, shocking new details reveal.

A Jordanian migrant who tried to raid one of the most secure US bases illegally crossed the border WEEKS ago and another overstayed his visa, shocking new details reveal.

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The two Jordanian nationals attempted to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico on May 3.

Two Jordanian citizens who attempted to break into a critically important military base are illegally in the United States, as fears about foreign espionage grow.

The Jordanian nationals were detained after attempting to drive a truck into Marine Corps Base Quantico on May 3. During their attempted entry, the two individuals claimed to be working for Amazon as subcontractors.

Despite their goal to infiltrate the facility, military officers were able to deploy vehicle barriers and thwart the efforts of Middle Eastern citizens.

Now a Fox News report indicates that one of the individuals crossed illegally into the US through California in April and the other overstayed his student visa.

The new details about the Jordanians who tried to illegally enter Quantico, one of the largest Marine Corps bases in the United States, come just a week after Congress held a classified hearing into attempts by foreign nationals to infiltrate and monitor US military installations.

The two Jordanian nationals attempted to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico on May 3.

Both individuals are now in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), according to several Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials in the report.

Jordanians who entered the U.S. illegally in April did so through the San Diego, California, sector, which has seen a dramatic increase in illegal immigration this year.

According to DHS sources, the detained man was issued a notice to appear, a legal process that requires him to appear for an immigration court hearing at a future date.

The couple is now preparing for deportation proceedings, sources revealed.

An Amazon spokesperson told the outlet that it appears the Jordanians in question were not making deliveries on behalf of the company and that they will investigate the incident further.

Recently, immigrants from Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, India, Bangladesh and China have been crossing through holes in the US-Mexico border in Jacumba Hot Springs, California. It is likely that the Jordanian citizen entered through a similar path.

Recently, immigrants from Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, India, Bangladesh and China have been crossing through holes in the US-Mexico border in Jacumba Hot Springs, California. It is likely that the Jordanian citizen entered through a similar path.

The crossing point, in the San Diego sector, has been popular in recent months and has become the new ground zero for migrants seeking to enter the United States illegally.

The crossing point, in the San Diego sector, has been popular in recent months and has become the new ground zero for migrants seeking to enter the United States illegally.

Quantico, where the Jordanians hoped to enter, is one of the largest and most secure Marine Corps installations in the US.

Quantico, where the Jordanians hoped to enter, is one of the largest and most secure Marine Corps installations in the US.

Lawmakers and government officials are also investigating the matter.

Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee sent a letter to DHS, the Pentagon and the FBI requesting additional information about the incident.

Republican lawmakers said one of the Jordanians was on a federal terrorist watch list.

‘The Committee fears that the Department of Homeland Security’s lax investigative standards, which complement President Biden’s stated desire to ‘surge the border’ with inadmissible immigrants, have created an environment ripe for exploitation by individuals seeking to undermine The United States at its most critical points. .’

“If individuals on the terrorist watch list become so emboldened to attempt to break into a Marine Corps base, the Department of Homeland Security and the entire executive branch must act quickly to identify, apprehend and detain these hostile actors in American soil,” the letter the Republicans set.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin also expressed his dismay in a letter to Biden.

“The attempt to break into Quantico and the federal government’s silence on the immigration status of the people involved reiterates the seriousness of its failure to secure the southern border and notify state governments of illegal immigrant relocations so that it can protest the safety of all Virginians.

The Virginian demanded that Biden provide state officials with a report on the attempted intrusion.

‘Please explain how they came to the United States. Were they here illegally? Are any of them on any terrorist watch lists? Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., asked the DHS secretary. Alejandro Mayorkas in a recent letter.

Previously, a top Republican told DailyMail.com in an exclusive interview that foreign nationals from a multitude of countries have been attempting to infiltrate US military bases.

China, Iran, Russia and Middle Eastern terrorist groups are involved in attempts to access U.S. instillations, said Rep. Glenn Grothman, R-Wis.

A Chinese national broke into Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms in California in March before being detained.

A Chinese national broke into Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms in California in March before being detained.

A group of Chinese nationals were detained in 2023 while diving near a row of missiles at Cape Canaveral, as shown here.

A group of Chinese nationals were detained in 2023 while diving near a row of missiles at Cape Canaveral, as shown here.

“There have been reports that outside of our military bases… we have had foreign nationals here taking photographs and recording what is happening.”

He also claimed that several foreign nationals “maybe got jobs like DoorDash or something and then snooped around to see what they could discover” at US military bases.

Reports further indicate that foreign nationals have operated drones to enhance their surveillance efforts.

And Grothman warned that these attempts have grown significantly in recent years.

“It’s not something that we think was happening to a very significant degree just a few years ago,” he said. “So these new things.”

The Wisconsin Republican said the increase in espionage attempts comes as record numbers of non-Hispanic foreign nationals are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border into the American heartland.

And the details now revealing that the Jordanians are in the United States illegally are sure to heighten the suspicions of Grothman and his fellow lawmakers.

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