Home Australia A didgeridoo player claims to have ‘solved’ the mystery of how the pyramids were built with a bizarre theory, but it’s not convincing anyone

A didgeridoo player claims to have ‘solved’ the mystery of how the pyramids were built with a bizarre theory, but it’s not convincing anyone

TikToker @taistar42, from Arkansas, USA, claimed that he has

Scientists have puzzled for years over how the pyramids were actually built, and the exact method the Egyptians used remains unknown.

However, TikToker @taistar42of Arkansas, USA, claimed to have “proven” how the ancient structures were built, putting forward the bizarre theory that they might have used sound to move the large stones, but provided little further explanation.

In one clip, which has racked up more than 16 million views, he gave a simple demonstration using a didgeridoo and a small plastic bag.

He captioned the video: ‘The ancient Egyptians used advanced technology’ and claimed that ‘the pyramids were built with sound’ in the bizarre clip.

The TikToker played his instrument and used it to pick up what appeared to be a plastic bag and move it through the air.

TikToker @taistar42 from Arkansas, US, claimed he has “proven” how ancient structures were built, saying they used sound to move large stones.

He carried the bag using the sound of the didgeridoo and placed it on the other side of the room.

The Digeridoo interpreter did not explain his theory in detail, but seemed to suggest that a frequency on a much larger scale was used to move the heavy pieces of stone into place to build the pyramids.

Not everyone in the comments section was convinced, however, with some saying it would be much harder to pick up large rocks.

One person said: “Okay. That might work for lightweight plastic, but how does it work for one that weighs over a ton?”

Another said: “The amount of sound needed to do that to a rock weighing hundreds of tons would destroy the Earth.”

Someone else said: ‘Debunking this theory in this comment: No they didn’t, the amount of vibration needed to lift a rock would have killed all the humans nearest.’

Another skeptic added: “Lift a 20,000-pound concrete block and I might believe you.”

However, others supported the theory and some said it made a lot of sense.

One person said: “This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen and makes as much sense as anything else, to be honest. Maybe more.” Another said: “Vibrations and frequencies are our entire existence.”

The exact way in which the early engineers of the civilized world built the pyramids has long been a matter of debate, and many theories have emerged over the years.

A popular theory suggests that they used a system of ropes and sleds to transport stones to the top as the pyramid was built from scratch, layer by layer.

In one clip, which has racked up more than 16 million views, he gave a simple demonstration using a didgeridoo and a small plastic bag.

In one clip, which has racked up more than 16 million views, he gave a simple demonstration using a didgeridoo and a small plastic bag.

1726999209 201 A didgeridoo player claims to have solved the mystery of

1726999209 517 A didgeridoo player claims to have solved the mystery of

Not everyone in the comments section was convinced, however, with some saying it would be much harder to pick up large rocks.

Not everyone in the comments section was convinced, however, with some saying it would be much harder to pick up large rocks.

1726999211 808 A didgeridoo player claims to have solved the mystery of

However, others agreed with the theory and some said it makes a lot of sense.

However, others agreed with the theory and some said it makes a lot of sense.

But a new study suggests that Egypt’s oldest pyramid, the Pyramid of Djoser, was built 4,700 years ago using an even more ingenious “hydraulic lift.”

“The ancient Egyptians are famous for their pioneering and mastery of hydraulics through canals for irrigation purposes and barges to transport huge stones,” the team explained.

‘This work opens a new line of research: the use of hydraulic power to erect the enormous structures built by the pharaohs.’

The new theory is presented in a new study led by Xavier Landreau, president of Paleotechnic, an archaeological research institute in Paris, France.

The researchers studied historical records and satellite photographs of the area to interpret the features that support their argument.

“We identified that the internal architecture of the step pyramid is consistent with a hydraulic lifting mechanism never before reported,” say Landreau and colleagues.

A new study suggests that Egypt's oldest pyramid, the Pyramid of Zoser, was built using an ingenious

A new study suggests that Egypt’s oldest pyramid, the Pyramid of Zoser, was built using an ingenious “hydraulic elevator.” A huge jet of water shot through the center of the pyramid “like a volcano” and pushed the stones to the top, researchers believe.

The Step Pyramid of Djoser is 200 feet tall (60 m) and is believed to be the first pyramid in Egypt.

The Step Pyramid of Djoser is 200 feet tall (60 m) and is believed to be the first pyramid in Egypt.

Gisr el-Mudir is one of the oldest known stone structures in Egypt, just a few hundred meters west of the Pyramid of Djoser. The function of this space has long been unclear. Pictured: Egyptian archaeologists at Gisr el-Mudir in January 2023

Gisr el-Mudir is one of the oldest known stone structures in Egypt, just a few hundred meters west of the Pyramid of Djoser. The function of this space has long been unclear. Pictured: Egyptian archaeologists at Gisr el-Mudir in January 2023

‘The ancient architects probably raised the stones in the centre of the pyramid in the manner of a volcano, using water without sediment.’

Djoser’s pyramid, about 200 feet tall, is a “step pyramid,” meaning its sides are a series of flat platforms or steps, unlike the comparatively level sides of the famous pyramid at Giza.

Although Giza is the largest pyramid in Egypt, Djoser’s is the oldest, having been built sometime between 2667 and 2648 BC.

The impressive structure was built entirely of stone by the ancient Egyptian architect Imhotep in the vast necropolis of Saqqara, south of Cairo.

It is believed to be the final resting place of King Djoser, ancient Egyptian pharaoh and founder of the Old Kingdom.

Although the existence of a huge pit in the centre of the pyramid was already known, researchers now present a new theory about its purpose.

First, they point to Gisr el-Mudir, an ancient stone structure less than a mile west of Djoser’s pyramid.

The function of Gisr el-Mudir has never been certain, but researchers say it may have acted as a dam, collecting rainwater and directing it toward the pyramid through a system of pipes.

Once the groundwater reached the center of the pyramid, it flowed upward through the central well like magma in a volcano.

This powerful jet of water would have pushed up a floating elevator – a level platform probably made of wood – that could transport up to 100 tons of stone at a time thanks to the force of the water.

According to experts, the water jet could be controlled to empty the pit, leaving it ready to be reused for another load of stone.

Potentially, water could be blocked at the base of the pyramid’s shaft as a sort of plug before being released when the next load was placed.

Although this newly postulated system sounds especially complex for 4,700 years ago, the pyramids themselves are evidence that the ancient Egyptians were perhaps more skilled engineers than we give them credit for.

Gisr el-Mudir was previously thought to be a livestock enclosure, a ceremonial place for worshipping the gods, or even an unfinished pyramid.

But the theory that it was a dam provides a compelling link to the central shaft of the Pyramid of Djoser, which reopened to visitors in 2020 after 14 years of restoration.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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