Home Australia A depraved couple drugged, raped and murdered a stranger introduced to them by a mutual friend for “sexual gratification”

A depraved couple drugged, raped and murdered a stranger introduced to them by a mutual friend for “sexual gratification”

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Cameron Allan (pictured) was one half of a gay couple convicted of raping and killing 24-year-old father-of-three Calum Simpson after spiking his drink with Etizolam.

Two depraved killers drugged and raped a complete stranger who died after spiking his drink with powerful narcotics.

Father-of-three Calum Simpson, 24, failed to regain consciousness after being poisoned with the class C drug Etizolam and alcohol. His youngest son was born 11 days early.

Dylan Brister, 27, and Cameron Allan, 21, were yesterday warned they face life sentences for the murder of Mr Simpson at Brister’s home in Methil, Fife.

The killers had been looking for a man to abuse before Mr Simpson turned up at their home with a mutual friend.

Graphic images recovered from Allan’s phone were shown to a jury during the trial at the High Court in Edinburgh, along with photographs of the horrific injuries suffered by the dead man in the attack on him.

Cameron Allan (pictured) was one half of a gay couple convicted of raping and killing 24-year-old father-of-three Calum Simpson after spiking his drink with Etizolam.

Trial judge Lord Harrower told jurors after they unanimously convicted the pair of sexual assault, rape and murder: “The evidence has been of the most harrowing nature this court has ever had the misfortune to hear.”

He said that in view of the sensitive nature of the trial, any jurors would have the right to use counselling services if necessary and excused them from further jury service for the rest of their lives.

The judge told Brister and Allan there was only one sentence for murder, life in prison, but he would adjourn the case until next month to obtain background reports on both of them.

Depute solicitor Angela Gray told jurors: “This was a plan between both defendants to drug Calum Simpson and ensure he would not get up. They drugged him for their sexual gratification. That drugging was appallingly reckless and in doing so they had a total disregard for Calum Simpson’s safety and life.”

He said the film was “a look at the depravity” and dynamic between Brister and Allan.

During the footage, Allan can be heard telling his accomplice: “At least he’s still breathing.”

The court heard that Allan and Brister had been trying to recruit a man to form a threesome with them, but efforts to find a participant failed.

The High Court in Edinburgh, where Dylan Brister, 27, and Cameron Allan, 21, were warned they face up to life in prison for the murder of Mr Simpson at Brister's home in Methil, Fife.

The High Court in Edinburgh, where Dylan Brister, 27, and Cameron Allan, 21, were warned they face up to life in prison for the murder of Mr Simpson at Brister’s home in Methil, Fife.

A man who met Allan at an inaugural Dundee Pride event was told he would be “ready” to be strangled and wanted to tie him up and abuse him, but decided not to get involved.

Ms Gray said: “And then along comes Calum Simpson, a complete unknown.”

Mr Simpson arrived at the house with a friend, Dylan Stewart, who knew the couple, and then left him alone with them.

Ms Gray said: “There was no evidence that Calum Simpson had homosexual tendencies.”

The couple denied murdering Mr Simpson by drugging him without his knowledge, causing him to lose consciousness and failing to provide or obtain medical help for the victim.

The pair of attackers were also convicted of sexually assaulting and raping their victim while she was unconscious. The victim’s wrists were tied with rope during the attack.

Brister, who was receiving almost £1,200 a month in benefits, had won more than £20,000 gambling and bought 1,000 tablets for £200.

He stated that he believed it was genuine diazepam that came in proper packaging and a pharmacy bag.

But Allan, who said he was present at the drug delivery, said they were strips of drugs in a freezer bag and came with a warning.

He said the woman who supplied them warned Brister that they were strong, adding: “That’s why she gave the warning, someone had already died from taking them.”

Forensic evidence indicated that the glasses, including a champagne flute and a skull-shaped glass, were spiked with Etizolam before the victim drank from them.

An experienced forensic doctor who saw the injuries inflicted on Mr Simpson told the court: “If the person was awake and fully conscious it would have been very painful.”

The court heard evidence that Brister had previously mixed diazepam into a woman’s drink in 2018 and put tablets in another woman’s mouth without her consent.

Brister told the court he suffered from complex post-traumatic stress disorder and a personality disorder and was on antipsychotic medication.

Brister said: “We raped him and we continued to have sex. It is what it is, disgusting. It should never have happened. I’m not going to make excuses,” she said.

Allan told police he had “bad sexual thoughts” because of what happened to him when he was younger, adding: “This is the first time I’ve acted on those thoughts.”

Allan said he was in love with Brister but claimed the older man was abusive. He said: “I was treated more like a dog than a servant. He was a violent and angry man.”

Allan, who was on bail, was remanded in custody following the verdicts. Brister was already in prison awaiting trial. Both were told they would be placed on the sex offenders’ register.

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(tags to translate)dailymail

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