Home Australia A career expert reveals how to land a job interview when you think you’re not qualified for the position

A career expert reveals how to land a job interview when you think you’re not qualified for the position

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A career guru has revealed how to land a job interview you don't think you're qualified for. He said we would focus on his 'transferable soft skills' and his 'unique offering'.

A careers expert has revealed the trick to acing a job interview when you think you’re not qualified for the job.

Erin McGoff He said candidates should never feel like they are wasting the interviewer’s time and encouraged job seekers to apply for positions even if they don’t meet all the criteria in the description.

Instead of admitting that you don’t think you have enough experience for a position, Erin said to focus on any “transferable skills” you have that would be useful on the job.

on a tiktok videoThe life advice guru gave an example of what not to answer if asked what makes you right for a position.

‘I’m not, I’m not qualified. I don’t have more than three years of experience, I’ve only worked for small companies, I don’t even know much about television production,’ he pretended to answer.

A career guru has revealed how to land a job interview you don’t think you’re qualified for. He said we would focus on his ‘transferable soft skills’ and his ‘unique offering’.

Erin reminded job seekers that they would not have been offered an interview if the employer did not think they might be suitable for the position.

‘Why would they interview you if they didn’t think you were qualified for the position?’ she asked.

“If you’re in the room, you belong there, they want you to be the perfect person for the job.”

Erin said to instead talk about the qualities you possess and reminded her followers that if they fit the job description 100 percent, they’re probably overqualified.

‘Focus on your soft and transferable skills and especially your unique offering. What do you have that other candidates don’t have? she said.

Hundreds of people appreciated the helpful and reassuring advice and shared their own job interview tricks.

‘I started working in the media after being a teacher. Interpersonal skills and leadership examples are a huge help!’ said a woman.

“Almost every job I’ve ever had was unqualified for them,” wrote a second.

‘It just happened to me and I got the job. “I thought I wasn’t qualified because I don’t have a bachelor’s degree, but a big part of the job is customer service and I have amazing customer service,” a third explained.

“Positive self-talk works the same way as negative self-talk, so if you tell yourself you’re amazing and qualified, you’ll really feel it!” someone added.

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