Home Australia A 17-year-old Burger King employee had bleach thrown in her face in a vile random attack at a drive-thru

A 17-year-old Burger King employee had bleach thrown in her face in a vile random attack at a drive-thru

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Andrea said a Burger King drive-thru customer threw a cup of bleach in her face and then walked away.

A 17-year-old fast food worker was left traumatized after she says a man threw bleach in her face at a Burger King drive-thru in Georgia.

Andrea Alexander was working the night shift on Tuesday when she was the victim of the unprovoked attack.

An unidentified man allegedly stopped at the Jonesboro Road drive-thru in Union City to pay for his food when he threw a glass of liquid at Andrea and then drove away.

“At first I thought it was water because it was so cold,” he said. ANF.

She added: “But then I took a breath and my eyes and nose immediately started burning.”

Andrea said a Burger King drive-thru customer threw a cup of bleach in her face and then walked away.

The attack was apparently unprovoked: there was no hostility or problems with the man's food prior to the attack.

The attack was apparently unprovoked: there was no hostility or problems with the man’s food prior to the attack.

Unable to open her eyes, she said she heard him walk away, without his food.

The exchange of information they had before the raid was normal, or at least that’s what she thought. Alexander said there was no hostile energy or problems with his order and that she has no idea what prompted him to do this.

Her mother, La Toya Alexander, is concerned about the establishment’s alleged lack of response to the incident and how it was handled.

“Whatever their procedure is when some kind of emergency like that occurs, nothing was followed,” he told ANF.

When the chemicals were thrown in her daughter’s face, she said the workplace did not call the police or even perform any first aid.

Andrea Alexander, 17, was working the night shift at a Burger King drive-thru in Georgia on Tuesday when a man walked up to the window and threw bleach in her face.

Andrea's mother, La Toya Alexander, is concerned about the way the workplace handled the incident: they did not call the police or perform any first aid measures.

When the chemicals were thrown in Andrea’s face, she said the workplace did not call the police or even perform any first aid.

Andrea was left traumatised after the incident and said she has had trouble sleeping ever since.

Andrea was left traumatised after the incident and said she has had trouble sleeping ever since.

Fortunately, Andrea has no serious physical injuries, but the emotional damage caused to her is another story.

“The first night I had trouble sleeping. I couldn’t sleep much because every time I opened my eyes I saw someone throwing bleach in my face,” Andrea added.

She said she has no plans to return to work.

It’s no secret that fast food workers frequently encounter disruptive customers. In some cases, customers become abusive.

In recent years, numerous videos have been posted on social media showing customers attacking employees in various incidents across the country.

La Toya questioned the establishment's procedures in emergency situations like this, because 'nothing was followed'

La Toya questioned the establishment’s procedures in emergency situations like this, because ‘nothing was followed’

Andrea has no idea why she was attacked: the unidentified man normally asked for food but left without her.

Andrea has no idea why she was attacked: the unidentified man normally asked for food but left without her.

In most cases, the attacks appear to have no motive.

In July, a Missouri woman got behind the wheel of her car and struck the manager of a store at the popular fast food chain Jack in the Box after complaining about a missing chicken strip and ranch dressing, according to the Independent.

A study conducted by the UCLA Labor Center They found that half of the fast food workers they surveyed had experienced verbal abuse and more than a third had experienced violence, such as threats, racial slurs and assaults.

Andrea warns other fast food workers to always remain alert at work.

She added: “I hope if this has happened to anyone else, they will reach out.”

“If you have any information, please contact me so that justice can be achieved.”

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