Home Australia I’m a psychologist, here’s how you can tell if someone is a psychopath just by the way they stand

I’m a psychologist, here’s how you can tell if someone is a psychopath just by the way they stand

A psychologist has revealed how you can spot a psychopath simply by their posture (file image)
  • Susan Krauss Whitbourne is a former psychology professor.
  • She said you can tell if someone is a manipulator just by their posture.
  • He said he distrusts people who have an open or expansive stance.

A psychologist has revealed how you can spot a psychopath simply by their posture.

Susan Krauss Whitbourne is a former professor of psychology and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Now that he’s not teaching in a classroom, he’s dishing out shocking information about the inner workings of the brain to Psychology today.

More recently, he told readers how they can determine if someone is a manipulator based on their posture.

He explained that a person’s posture can say a lot more about their personality than you think.

In his article for the magazine, he reviewed mind-blowing research from McGill University in Canada.

Susan pointed out that although a person’s posture cannot give a complete view of their motives, it can offer some information about how their brain works.

The study, which looked at 608 adults, asked each person to strike a variety of poses.

A psychologist has revealed how you can spot a psychopath simply by their posture (file image)

And it was said that those who had an open or expansive pose were more likely to take advantage of you.

Susan noted that those who made their presence known with their stance scored higher on traits of “psychopathy, manipulation, competitiveness, and belief in the existence of social hierarchies.”

Susan Krauss Whitbourne, a former professor of psychology and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, said those who have an open or expansive pose are more likely to take advantage of you.

Susan Krauss Whitbourne, a former professor of psychology and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, said those who have an open or expansive pose are more likely to take advantage of you.

Meanwhile, those who tend to slouch or change posture several times in a few minutes tend to have lower self-esteem.

He added that people who always have a straight spine are more likely to have a less favorable personality.

Another prominent psychiatrist previously revealed the five personality traits that psychopaths typically display.

Dr. Jaleel Mohammed said that when people “absorb” others, have many short-term relationships, or lack empathy, then they could be psychopaths.

He added that psychopaths tend to have very bad tempers and show signs in childhood, such as being violent towards animals and other children.

“Having just one of these traits does not make someone a psychopath, but it is the overall picture of someone’s personality based on these (and other) recognized traits of psychopaths that can lead to a classification of psychopathy,” he explained.

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