Home Australia A 33-year-old teacher who had sex with a 15-year-old pupil in her car and in a flat after drinking alcohol on a night out has been banned from the classroom

A 33-year-old teacher who had sex with a 15-year-old pupil in her car and in a flat after drinking alcohol on a night out has been banned from the classroom

Siobhan McLean, who admitted having sex with a 15-year-old pupil, avoided a prison sentence at Hamilton Sheriff Court but has now been cleared of the case.

A teacher who avoided jail after having sex with a 15-year-old pupil in her car has been expelled.

Siobhan McLean, 34, met the boy in her role as head of student support at a secondary school in Lanarkshire.

She had been helping her relative apply for college courses, in addition to taking classes the boy attended.

But after the boy’s relative left school, McLean contacted him through social media and they began exchanging messages, before the mother of one of them agreed to meet him at a university reunion.

They went out one night with another person, drinking alcohol, before retreating to an apartment where she began kissing the teenager and then had sex with him.

Siobhan McLean, who admitted having sex with a 15-year-old pupil, avoided a prison sentence at Hamilton Sheriff Court but has now been cleared of the case.

Pupil support teacher Siobhan McLean appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court (pictured)

Pupil support teacher Siobhan McLean appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court (pictured)

Days later she agreed to see him again before having sex in the back of his BMW in a secluded car park at Craignethan Castle near Blackwood, Lanarkshire.

The boy’s mother was later alarmed to hear him say “I love you” during a phone call.

He claimed he was talking to a friend, but his phone was confiscated and revealed McLean’s intimate messages, prompting a call to police.

McLean, from Airdrie, Lanarkshire, appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court last October where he admitted having sexual relations with the pupil.

She was ordered to carry out 300 hours of unpaid work and placed under supervision for three years.

The General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) has cancelled McLean’s teaching registration, meaning he has been banned from classrooms.

McLean had been sacked from her teaching post by South Lanarkshire Council after her inappropriate relationship with the boy came to light.

The former religious education teacher was placed on a 12-month label and banned from having unsupervised contact with children other than her own.

The mother of one of the boys is on the sex offenders’ register for ten years and is also banned from contacting the victim or any member of her family for five years.

At a hearing in January, social workers overseeing McLean’s case reportedly gave a positive report and said no court dates would be needed unless she violates some aspect of the order.

The GTCS states: ‘A teacher who has been removed from the register will only be granted re-registration if he or she demonstrates to a fitness to teach panel that he or she is now fit to teach.’

(tags to translate)dailymail

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