Home Life Style 4-month-old baby is in a coma after his grandmother accidentally mixed his baby formula with white wine

4-month-old baby is in a coma after his grandmother accidentally mixed his baby formula with white wine

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 4-Month-Old Is in a Coma After Grandma Accidentally Mixed Her Baby Formula With White Wine

In a tragic accident in Francavilla Fontana, Brindisi, a four-month-old baby is now in a coma after his milk powder was mistakenly mixed with wine. The incident occurred when the baby’s grandmother, while preparing milk, mistook a wine bottle for the baby’s dark-colored glass water bottle.

The confusion led the baby to consume some of the dangerous mixture before refusing to drink any more. Realizing the mistake after detecting the smell of wine in the bottle, the grandmother hurried to grandson to Perrino Hospital. There he received urgent medical attention, including a stomach pump. He was subsequently intubated and transferred to the Giovanni Pediatric Hospital in Bari, where he remains in the intensive care unit.

Fortunately, local media reports indicate that the baby’s condition is stable and improving, and his life is not currently believed to be in danger. Local authorities, including prosecutors and police, have been notified and are currently reviewing the baby’s medical records to determine whether criminal charges should be filed in light of the incident. Daily entry reports.

This case echoes a separate incident from last year, where two women narrowly avoided jail after a video emerged apparently showing them giving wine to an 18-month-old girl. He videoRecorded on January 20, 2020 in Midlothian, outside Edinburgh, it captured a woman tilting her baby’s head back to drink from a glass baby bottle.

Although the video suggested that the baby was being fed alcohol, investigations revealed otherwise. The women involved in the Midlothian incident were later tried at Edinburgh Sheriff Court, facing child protection charges.

Sheriff Alistair Noble said that while the original charges were severe, the women eventually pleaded guilty to lesser charges of threatening and abusive behavior relating to the creation of the video. They admitted to having caused public unrest with the content of the video. Sheriff Noble concluded that incarceration was not justified for his crimes, reflecting the complexity and sensitivity required in such legal determinations.

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