Home Life Style 22-Year-Old Woman With Scoliosis So Severe She ‘Could Barely Breathe’ Reveals Results of ‘Intense’ Spine Surgery

22-Year-Old Woman With Scoliosis So Severe She ‘Could Barely Breathe’ Reveals Results of ‘Intense’ Spine Surgery

A young woman with scoliosis has revealed her incredible transformation after surgeons straightened her curved spine with 20 screws.

A young woman with scoliosis has revealed her incredible transformation after surgeons straightened her curved spine with 20 screws.

American influencer Paige Mackenzie discovered she had a curved spine at the age of 14.

The Texas native, now 22, recently took to Instagram to share the results of her ‘intense’ spinal surgery that was so painful it left her unable to touch her toes or brush her teeth.

“I was basically a stick figure,” Paige said, recalling the procedure that involved “tearing” the entire back and using rods and screws to straighten the spine before “stitching it back together.”

“It’s the worst pain you’ll ever experience in your life,” he admitted.

Paige opted for surgery after her condition began to worsen, eventually reaching a 44-degree curvature as she grew older.

“Usually, as you get older, scoliosis progresses and gets worse,” he explained. ‘When I was 14, my curvature was probably 15 or 20 degrees.

“When I had spinal surgery, it had progressed to 44 degrees,” Paige continued, noting that the curvature had “more than doubled” in just seven years.

A young woman with scoliosis has revealed her incredible transformation after surgeons straightened her curved spine with 20 screws.

American influencer Paige Mackenzie discovered she had a curved spine at the age of 14. The Texas native, now 22, recently took to Instagram to share the results of her

American influencer Paige Mackenzie discovered she had a curved spine at the age of 14. The Texas native, now 22, recently took to Instagram to share the results of her “intense” spinal surgery that was so painful it left her unable to touch herself. toes or brushing teeth

Paige opted for surgery after her condition began to worsen and eventually reached a 44-degree curve, as shown in the x-ray above.

Paige opted for surgery after her condition began to worsen and eventually reached a 44-degree curve, as shown in the x-ray above.

Over the years, he tried various treatments, including wearing a brace, physical therapy, and chiropractic care, but none of them were effective in straightening his spine or relieving the pain he was experiencing.

“They like to try to put a brace on you if you get it at a young age,” he said. ‘But I don’t think braces work at all.

‘I have met many people who have tried a brace and it doesn’t work.

“It’s like wearing braces and a retainer; over time, they go back to their original state,” he explained.

‘Physiotherapy didn’t help. Honestly, I felt like my back was getting a little bit worse,” he admitted.

“And chiropractic, which I did several times a week from the ages of 14 to 18, unfortunately didn’t help either.”

Over time, his pain worsened; Paige, who is an avid golfer, found herself unable to play a round or even go for a run.

‘Sometimes my back pain was so bad I could feel it in my chest, like someone had a foot on me, and I found it hard to breathe.

The 'intense' surgery involved inserting two rods and about 20 screws to correct the curvature

The ‘intense’ surgery involved inserting two rods and about 20 screws to correct the curvature

“My spine was twisted, but also twisted, which made things even more difficult.”

Seeking relief, Paige met with several doctors, but had difficulty finding one willing to perform the surgery.

“Most of the doctors I saw said that normally a person with this type of curvature does not feel much pain, so they would not recommend surgery,” he recalled.

However, he eventually found a surgeon in Arkansas who was willing to help; Paige described the doctor as “absolutely fabulous.”

The ‘intense’ surgery involved inserting two rods and about 20 screws to correct the curvature.

‘They basically tear your entire back apart, put rods on each side of your spine and sew you back together.

“It’s horrible,” Paige admitted.

She then embarked on a long recovery process that lasted several months, but Paige remained determined to get back to doing all the things she loved.

Despite the pain and limitations, Paige accepted her journey and continues to share updates with her followers.

Despite the pain and limitations, Paige accepted her journey and continues to share updates with her followers.

‘For the first three months, I couldn’t touch my toes or bend over. Even brushing my teeth seemed impossible. “I was basically a stick figure,” he said.

Despite the pain and limitations, Paige accepted her journey and continues to share updates with her followers.

One of her most powerful posts features a photo taken the day after her surgery.

“That’s where they had cut my spine to insert the rods,” Paige said.

Her surgeon even shared photos of her spine before and after the procedure, and Paife admitted they looked “crazy.”

“I can’t believe you took them and gave them to me, but I really appreciate it.”

Months later, he’s back on the golf course and continuing to share snippets of his life after surgery.

“Golf is a big part of the content I post, so I’ve been showing my followers how I’m getting back into it and working on my body so I can play golf again,” he shared.

The response from his audience has been overwhelmingly positive.

‘Some people have an emotional connection to my journey because they have had the same problems.

“Others just think it seems crazy,” Paige said.

Scoliosis is not uncommon, especially in girls, but Paige was surprised to discover how many people could relate to her experience.

‘I’ve posted about my entire scoliosis journey and I never realized so many people struggle with it. The amount of comments and DMs I get is crazy.

“People say, ‘I’m thinking about surgery,’ or ‘I had surgery; this was my experience.'” Some ask me for advice, tips or even which surgeon I went to.

“It’s amazing to connect with so many people who share this experience.”

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